
Why was Tilghman suspended if Tiger shrugged off her statement?

by Guest62586  |  earlier

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Why was Tilghman suspended if Tiger shrugged off her statement?




  1. I agree that this whole thing is ridiculous.  We need to get a grip and forget it just like Tiger did.

  2. raretofin your so full of c**p you be watching in 3 weeks trust me on this one

  3. Probably for the sake of advertisers.  She had to be punished so Golf Channel does not suffer backlash from advertisers after Al Sharpton rallies his team to boycott Golf Channel advertisers' products.  It's totally ridiculous.  He is taking the mantle for Jesse Jackson's blackmail tactics.  Sad because they both used to stand for something.  

    Just so you understand where I'm coming from, I would have suspended her too for that thoughtless remark if I was the network president.  Heck, I'd suspend her even if I was just the show's producer.  But my reason would be for just being a dumb*ss.  If it's true that she lacked malicious, racist intent in making the comment, then she is too careless with her words and, as a broadcaster, that is job incompetency and deserves a suspension.

    Her job is words.  If she can't convey her thoughts properly using them, maybe she should do something where she doesn't open her mouth in public.

  4. rare2findd:  I agree with you 100%

    However I think Tiger is an idiot. Just because he forgave her doesnt make it OK...

    I never like Tiger and now his acceptance of this..just proves that my opinion was correct... What an idiot...

  5. Kelly is ignorant. Tiger is a man.Just because Tiger 'forgave' her is no reason to push her statement under the rug. I'm white and so is Kelly. There is no way I would have made such a statement even in jest. I think she just felt a little threatened. Tiger is a great golfer. The ones coming after him will be great also. She deserved a longer suspension. withOUT pay. Just shows how people really think under all the phony praise. I'll no longer watch if she's anchoring, of if she is, I'll mute her sorry butt.

    Hardly Richard. I'm a young woman under age 25. I was raised to respect others. I was also raised to correct those who need correcting. Kelly needs correcting. And so do you.

    Got that big boy!

  6. Because our society has become so wrapped up in being politically correct and not offending someone.  There are so many people out there who just wait for their opportunity to jump on someone for offending them.

    If she would not have been suspended, the Reverands Sharpton and Jackson would have been out in front of the Golf Channel studios demanding her firing.  I am sure they are already upset that there isn't enough diversity on the game already. therefore her suspension was just a preventative move to keep that from happening.

  7. Because of al sharpton. let this one go though. We'll see the hottie again in time for the Buick Invitational. Al sharpton is an ***.

  8. Kelly Tilghman was praising tiger not offending him. she may have a strange way of showing it but who cares lets move forward in life, americans are getting blown up in Iraq and sharpton is concerned about a lame meaningless comment. it was not even a racist statement, why does sharpton even care? it was a dumb joke that meant no harm. this country IS SO losing it. she probably could have made a better analogy though.

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