
Why was a deal place in the Democratic convention???

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If she lost, and they have already promised who they are voting for

Why is she trying to edge her way in again??

What is Hillary's agenda?




  1. Her sycophantic followers just refuse to believe that she blew her chance so they need to be placated for the sake of "party unity".

    They are throwing a tantrum, so Obama is allowing them their pity-party moment in the sun so they feel important.

    No big deal.  Let the whiners have their whine.  It's not going to matter anyway.

  2. Because the Clinton's are power hungry.  She wants to be President.

    Obama's no where near as high in the polls against McCain as the Dems thought he would be, there are many worrying he will not win.  She will try and get superdelegates and possibly even some Obama delegates to vote for her.

    Also she DOES NOT want Obama to win in November, she wants McCain to win, and then she will try and run in 2012

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