
Why was abraham lincoln assasinated?

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Why was abraham lincoln assasinated?




  1. Because according to the Dems he had started an illegal and unjust war based on false pretenses, blah blah blah.  Except back then they didn't have the Internet to vent.  Some things never change.

  2. what goes around, comes around.  i heard lincoln shot quite a few people during his time.

  3. he was supposed to be kidnapped but that fell he was was a mistake...he would have treated the South much better than the others did....Booth was an idiot...

  4. Perhaps he wasn't, perhaps he was abducted and smuggled aboard a confedrate ironclad loaded with all the confederate gold as an insurance policy against attack from the yankees as they plied the river to the ocean and sailed away in search of a new place to base a counter attack from.

  5. Booth was angry at Lincoln because the Union had won the Civil War.

    My wife is Abraham LIncoln's cousin, seven generation's removed, actually.

    Funny, I wen to school with one of Booth's direct decendants too...small world.

  6. I don't think anyone knows for sure, except for his assassin.

    It has been noted that John Wilkes Booth only wanted to kidnap him, why he killed him, (and I should say if he is the one who killed him) is a mystery.

    Maybe over ending slavery or maybe because the north won the war.

    This may be why:

    "On April 14th, sometime around noon while visiting Ford's to pick up his mail, Booth heard that the President and General Grant would be attending that night. It was a golden opportunity. Booth knew the theater well, having played there several times, the last time in March 1865.[8][9] Booth surmised that if he and his conspirators could simultaneously kill the President, Grant, Vice President Andrew Johnson, and Secretary of State William Seward, he could throw the Union government into chaos for enough time that the Confederacy could mount a resurgence."

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