
Why was georgia stupid enough to prevoke rusia to attack?

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joining NATO which breaks an agreement they made at the end of the soviet era that they would not join NATO and why did they attack russian citizens?

Did they not care about the lives they would kill and loose?

What is the USA and NATOs policy on this.




  1. I think a lot of Americans are missing part of this puzzle: the American government encouraged them to do it. Why? Elections are coming up this November. An aggressive Russia is a boon for war-mongering Republicans running for office. So Georgia went in, thinking they were going to get help from NATO and the U.S. Yeah, it was a bad move, but they thought they'd get into NATO, and soviet era agreement or not, that's a great deal... if the U.S. government isn't stabbing you in the back.  

  2. Georgia was trying to get into the EU.  Georgia was wanting to play the part of a poor, defenseless country in all of this and was willing to take somewhat of a butt whooping to reach the ends they wanted to obtain.  So, as you correctly stated, Georgia provoked Russia.

  3. The best background on the situation I've seen is at the link below.

  4. Maybe you missed this, but Georgia moved to quell an insurrection within their own borders.  And since when does Russia have the right to tell other nations who they may or may not ally with?  What part of 'independent nation' are you not clear on?

    Either you're stupid enough to fall for Russia's propaganda, or you're on their payroll.  Either way, you're not worth listening to.

    People like you are the reason Hitler was able to annex Austria and Czechoslovakia - then acted all surprised when he went into Poland.  Catch a clue - Putin is on a war of conquest, and relying on people like you to ensure he gets away with it.  The blood of Georgians is on your hands...

  5. wow you bought into the Russian propaganda.....why not Poland agreed not to join NATO and they did........look Georgia did not attack Russia are you people that stupid Georgia attacked Russian backed Rebels within the SO region THAT IS PART OF GEORGIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not Russia but the rebels were given Russian passports in violation of international law they are legally Georgians not Russians Stop believing the stupid liberal/Russian propaganda How is it that Georgia provoked Russia by carring out military operations within its own borders?.....I would like for you people to stop saying that Georgia started it.....

    Edit: that is the first time I have ever heard anyone call CNN republican controlleed have you ever actuly watched CNN idiot they are in the bag for demos they are far from Republican controlled why do you think they are the liberal jmedia?

  6. No.

    don't think so.

    Just living in misery eerily wailing in ghostly kitchen's dialect with ghostly and deadly words that ended up in throwing pots and pans in bashing up one another in own backyards.

    With faulty education and communication system.

    Genesis 11. 1, 6

    What do you think?

  7. You're calling someone stupid, and you spell provoke with two "e"s and lose with two "o"s?

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