
Why was hannibal ultimately unsuccessful in his wars against Rome?

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  1. The short story. He didn't have a direct supply line to Carthage. Carthage was in North Africa. The Romans had control of the seas. Hannibal didn't have any siege equipment or he might of taken Rome early in the war. He lasted for 17 years living off the land of Italy and never lost a battle, but eventually he ran out of supplies and couldn't get reinforcements.

    Finally the Romans attacked Carthage itself, Hannibal had to leave Italy to defend Carthage. The Numidians were an ally of Hannibal and were his cavalry force, but before the decisive Battle of Zama, the Numidians switched sides ( the Romans promised them land ) and they fought for the Romans. This gave the Romans the advantage and resulted in Hannibal losing his final battle and Carthage was destroyed by the Romans. Hannibal was on the run from them for many years until they caught up with him and he committed suicide rather than be taken by the Romans.

  2. that 1st answer hit it on the head....Hannibal had no stamina or staying power. Taking on Rome was a big deal...even as early as then.

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