
Why was hurricane Gustav such a huge letdown for the democrat party?

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  1. You mean the Republicans, who were so desperate to overcompensate for their massive Katrina failure that they raced down there in droves with their cameras: "See, seee, look at us! We can actually handle this without f*cking everything up, just give us a chance, just one chance".

    They blew off their whole convention just for the prospect of a good photo op, all for nothing.

  2. I think it was more of a relief for the Republicans. It took almost all of the media attention off the McCain/Palin fiasco. The Democrats do not politicize natural disasters like Republicans.

  3. Thank God this hurricane is now only a tropical storm.  Whoever thinks anyone would be celebrating natural disasters is a sicko.  Although the Dobson fundies were praying for rain during the DNC and they consider themselves "holier than thou" Christians.

  4. Your idiotic question is based on a false premise, that democrats somehow like to see human suffering. The reality is quite the opposite.

  5. i got a laugh out of this question

    is this a bad thing? i don't know but I am sure glad we don't have

    to bail these people out as they had enough problems the last time

    with Katrina..everyone should go through something like this to teach

    them some humility and humanity...this world is a sad place..sometimes..

  6. Because the liberal media wanted a Category 5 storm to rip through New Orleans so they could do nightly specials on the devastation thus completely ignoring the RNC.

  7. Nothing to blame on Bush.

  8. Huh????  That's news to us

    McBushes are the ones that needed it, but it did not evolve into a real hurricane so now they are scambling to reformat their convention because they could not cancel it outright to avoid having unpopular Bush and Cheney on the same stage as McBush

    BTW Reps are the ones who were praying for rain to washout Obama's speech.

    YOU STARTED IT and you got KARMA instead

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