
Why was it Brits who created commandos and started raiding enemies coast?

by Guest66154  |  earlier

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Is it right that the very idea of task force belongs to Hitler? He used task force to attack Belgium. Commandos of Royal Marines didn't exist then. So why didn't Hitler develop this idea and didn't start raiding of the British coast when Britain was heavily bombed by him?




  1. Britain has had marines since the 1800's, they proved their worth at Bunker Hill when they refused to stop advancing on colonial troops. Hitler never really prepared a task force to invade Britain, he was counting on destroying the RAF so that Britain would give in or make a deal with the Germans.

  2. The Royal Navy might have had something to do with Hitler not raiding the British coast and lets not forget the RAF.  Granted, n**i spies were landed on the coast quite a few times, but these were either captured and "turned" or executed - the choice was theirs, quite a few chose the latter option!!  As to the attack on Belgium, this was carried out by the Fallschirmjager which captured vital forts and crossings ahead of the main German army.

    Churchill via his experiences in the Boer War saw what small groups of highly trained and mobile troops could achieve.  He also knew that at some time in the future there would be a need to invade France and so ordered the formation of the Commandos and the Airborne Forces.

  3. You need to research history a little more buddy.  Hitler couldn't invade the British coast anyhow, not with all the Allied Forces flanking him from the north from Spain to Poland, don't you ever recall the history of maneuver warfare of WWII?  British have adopted the concept from the idea of the German Shock Troops of WWI and consolidated it into their own amphibious warfare concept that has already been in to play.  Ever since the Allied Force entered Europe, Hitler's lack of knowledge in strategic warfare was a flaw since he relied mostly on his air superiority.  He greatly underestimated the ground troops by a huge margin!

  4. I could explain in several paragraphs, but what it boils down to is this, because they're the best.

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