
Why was it necessary to kill the horse that was injured in the Kentucky Derby?

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I understand the horses legs were broken and that the horse would never run again......However......Couldn't the horses legs have healed enough to at least walk?




  1. Exactly.  They shouldn't put any of those horses through the abuse and stress of running those races.  It's a horrible way to treat a horse.

  2. never could have walked on her own and it is a VERY painful injury. since she was raised just to race, without her legs there is no purpose in her life and they did not want her to live in pain.

  3. A horse with a broken leg risks several other health problems that go along with that, and even if the leg were to heal with no other problems (unlikely), it would have a miserable time getting around on that leg.  People have been killing injured horses for centuries for a reason--to spare the animal suffering and being miserable for the rest of its life.

  4. Horse upkeep is kinda costly I guess, unfortunately if the horse's owner can't make money off of it he is basically throwing his money away on keeping it alive so it is killed.  All a horse is is an asset to the people who race them

  5. race horses borned to race and if they couldn't race again, they'll suffer.

    The injured legs cannot be healed and if you let them lived with that, they're more like torture because their body will also become weak

  6. They said she couldn't have even gotten off the track.

    However, that just pisses me off.  She shouldn't have been running in the first place.  Horse racing is awful.

  7. i know the poor horse! stupid murderers!

    OK i got a thumbs down....WHY?!?!?

  8. Horsey wheel chairs have not been development yet so they had to put it down.

  9. there was no chance for that horse to heal like that. they had to do what they had to do.

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