
Why was it ok to criticize Jamie Spears for being a teen pregnancy, but not a Vice-Presidential candidate?

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  1. My sister became pregnant when she was 16 and gave the baby up for adoption. I would NEVER criticize ANY teen in that situation.

    That was decades ago, and teens couldn't get birth control then without the parents knowing about it. Stuff happens. It did then, and it does now.

    Besides, I'm not supposed to judge others. I didn't care about Jamie Spears' pregnancy and I don't care about Bristol Palin's. They are not my children.

    Don C, stop being such a crybaby. Most AMERICANS, REGARDLESS of their religious OR political beliefs, don't condemn someone in the position of Palin's daughter. EVERYONE knows people who have had children out of marriage, and most people don't give them grief about it.

  2. Jamie Lynn Spears isn't a Republican?

  3. I never criticized Jamie Lynn Spears.

  4. how about we just bring everyone out and start critisizing them for not being virgins....who cares about either of these people.....they aren't running the country and putting peoples lives in danger

  5. Good question... this is the height of hypocrisy.

    While I don't think that a candidate's teenage daughter's pregnancy (who is a unwed) should stop people from voting for that person... I do think that we should allow others to be able to criticize this when we freely criticize our opponents' scandals.

    This is one reason  why I left the Republican Party.  The members of that party are extremely judgemental when it comes to their opponents but get very whiny when it comes to criticizing their own heroes and start calling out a "liberal bias" conspiracy.  A bunch of crybabies and hypocrites.

  6. Is a vice presidential candidate pregnant?  I had no idea.  Is it Biden?

  7. What vice presidential candidate is a teen and pregnant?

  8. Because republicans are the biggest hypocrites of all.

  9. Obama's mother was 17 when he was conceived. So why aren't you criticizing the Obama Mama?

  10. A VP isn't having a child & I don't care what Jamie Spears does.

  11. Um the last I saw...thats is what is all over the news??!! You hear Palin and her teen daughters pregnancy comes up geesh.

  12. I was about to post the same question.  It hypocritical and thoroughly republican.

  13. We the voters can speak our opinion. We have freedom of speech. No one has the right to control what we say.

  14. Its ok to criticize anyone that votes for a democrat

    and meanwhile

    the Republicans are preaching abstinance only and when their kids get Preggo, it's off limits to talk about it

    Thank GOD it wasn't Chelsea Clinton that got Pregnant

    They'd be on here wailing about its all the fault of her immoral parents

  15. This is one of the most frightening questions I've seen here.  

  16. Exactly.  Hypocrites.

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