
Why was manny ramirez traded??

by Guest64087  |  earlier

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i dont get it Red Sox are one of the best teams in MLB and the Red Sox are also the defending champs this year so with all that success why did the red sox trade manny to the dodgers?? after all manny was their best player




  1. welll most people think tht the main reason was that he was either getting cocky or started to suck, yess that was part of the problem, but it was mainly becuz  of manny's dumass agent scott borris who was a lying deceiving lil snake, say manny stayed wit the sox  and he picked up his options for 09' and 10' borris woulnt have made any money borris was in mannys ear the whole time saying that this was a better choice the dont want you here anymore they hate you of courser the the dumb playerrs listen , borris doesnt care about the client all he cares about is making  the $$$$, but if you think about it we made out with this deal, mannys gettinbg old but hes still a great hitter i no but jason bay is at his prime at 29, yes bays not a great hitter but hes a way better fielder than manny and even tho manny knows the monster like the back of his hand anyone can learn how to play the wall after one season, and mannys hittiing and his sucky fielding is worse in  comparison to byas OBP and fielding skills, plus bay would actually run out the groundout and wont hurt the team'sd chemistry, mannys done his time and heloped the team but his time is up, and he wats hurting the team, also ellsbury hasnt been hitting like he was and even though he leads in SBs in the AL his OBP is doing pretty porly, so he couldnt play left craig hansen hasnt adjusted to twhe big leagues and hasnt come threw in big situations and his pitching is equivalent ot moss's hitting and fielding moss is like wat reuben sierra was o the yanks wen he was a backup and that is the answer

  2. because he started to suck

  3. He was metioning stuff like "the red sox dont deserve a player like me" and then he said LOT more stuff, which basically added up to "trade me. Idare you" and to add to that he started playing poor on purpose so the Red Sox Manager basically got pissed and traded him..he wanted to be traded...its sad, yes...but its his mistake

    Oh well..]=

    but im sure we will win still...its the RED SOX SPIRIT!


  4. Kanye is absolutely wrong he hasn't started to song just sometimes its time for change. I'm a big Sox fan and its a hard loss but Jason Bay is good too so we lost a good player and gained a good player well see how it plays out. This is almost similar to when we traded Garciapara for Orlando Cabrera and then won the World Series.  

  5. First, having Manny around was like having your house guarded by a rabid pit-bull....Yes, he kept out the insurance salesmen, but you were never sure when he'd completely just "lose it."

    Second, the Red Sox have a history recently of letting good players go and bad-mouthing them in the process...Nomar...Pedro...even Orlando Cabrerra...they never seem content to just let a guy go...they seem to have a need to appear to be doing the fans a favor...making Manny the bad guy was just too easy for them to pass up on this one..

    The Sox also have a history of making high-dollar, high-impact signings during the off-season...Manny is on the wrong side of 35 and getting Jason Bay is nothing to sneeze at considering the Sox weren't likely to pick up Manny's option...thus getting nothing back in return.

    Yes, they lost a huge bat...but they still have argueably the best top-to-bottom pitching staff in the East...proven post-season studs...and can now officially start recruiting guys like K-Rod (so J-Pap can go into the rotation), Mark Texiera, Matt Holliday and other big names who...if signed during the winter...will make people forget Manny real fast...

  6. Too much disgruntled feelings between Manny and the management and the fans

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