
Why was military experience so important to the Dems. 4 years ago?

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when John Kerry was running for President.....and now it doesn't seen to matter?




  1. Four years ago the democratic candidate, John Kerry, was maligned... BIG TIME! The republicans used his military record, (at least he had one), to try to discredit him. And they did!

    Should it be important this election year? Perhaps. Only because we are mired in a war in Iraq with no visible way out. The republicans will use the fact that McCain has an honorable military history while Obama does not.

    In the end, I don't think that you have to have been in the military to know what is the correct course of action. I am hoping that Obama has very competent people around him to help him find the right course of action. Fingers are crossed!

  2. The reason it is not an issue this election is because their candidate has NO experience in anything.

    They would have been better putting bonzo up as their candidate.

  3. The main reason it became such an issue with Kerry,was because 99% of those who served with him had a "slightly different" memory of his service than he did.Without the Swift Boat Veterans it would have been just a side issue,an opportunity to throw in a little mention of his "service in Vietnam" from time to time.Once the Swift Boat Veterans outed him,and people started to really examine his record,complete with his tesimony accusing d**n near everyone in Vietnam of War Crimes,that's when it truly became a Big Issue.


  4. The opposite was true for the Republicans. Four years ago, it didn't matter.Now this time around every answer, whether its about religion, the economy or education gets infused with an irelevant POW story. It's getting to be  joke.

    Every election cycle, the parties pick apart the other based on their strengths. George Bush I had military experience but it didn't help him beat Clinton. Ditto for Bob Dole. In 2000, neither of the candidates had it. Then in 2004, Kerry fought in Vietnam while Bush only showed up to the base for dental appointments. Didn't matter, Kerry lost.

    In the end, military experience doesn't seem to matter to the voters anyway.

  5. They are trying to get corporate .America out of politics cause a lot of people are getting chopped at work cause


    Corporate America is the nasty one on the block today


    To most all of the citizens in America


    Just read the news how the CEO gets a monster bonus  after they save the company millions by terminating 2,000 to 10,000 jobs in production by out sourcing the manufacturing in this country


    And the so called common worker is the majority when the polls open


  6. Bush is a draft dodger and a coward...a cocaine using liar.

    He beat Kerry, the war vet who won medals and woke up

    from his illusion.

    Now Barry Hussein Obama is his own cocaine using nightmare.

    He may beat the pathetic ol man McCain...the vietnamese POW reject.

    Stoners beat the soulja boys...DUDE.

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