
Why was my answer deleted?

by  |  earlier

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I placed an answer on the ADOPTION forum that allowed others to see how they can receive financial assistance for ADOPTION. It was removed because "its not an answer" per the automated yahoo stuff. I see that there are those on here that would like to control the information that is placed on here???? I understand that not everyone likes the adoption process in US but it is what it is. Removing my information to help others adopt is not going to stop anything. I have reposted it in a place that adopive families can see it ad appreciate the help as the adoption costs have risen to astronomical costs. You cannot stop me, I am on a mission to adopt a child and on a mission to to it as ethically as I can and on a mission to help others do it as ethically as possible. Adoption WILL NOT EVER stop!!!!!




  1. I can certainly sympathize with that.  The same thing is happening to me too.   People here seem to report just because and for no valid reason

  2. Were you answering a question about financial help or did you just post it here?

    I think that people realize that adoption WILL NOT EVER stop by the way. We just want it to be about the needs and best interests of the children and for it to be open and honest. We are not attemping to control any of the information here, we just want to make sure that it is even, balanced and reflects the experiences of many, good and bad.

    Good luck on your mission.  May the force be with you. (I am being sarcastic in case you can't tell.)

  3. I'm sorry your answer was taken off. But there was a whole question taken off because some people didn't believe it and thought it was a lie. It wasn't a lie My family has been living it for over 2 years and these people who had it removed will find out on 8 months when it goes to trial it wasn't a lie, but that's what you get when you tell that a church who does adoptions or in my son's case all wrong and they are liable for their actions. You want to go on a mission I think everybody is one a mission here.

      And I never see everybody against adoptions . Just they way they are doing it.I'm not one for financial assistance for people to be able to adopt but I'm not also in favor for  the tax payers to pay for the birth's of these babies and the adoption agencies and the adopted parents walking away leaving med bills. I also think that birth parent should pay there way too even if it's 10 dollars a week. Just all my thoughts

  4. Join the club of "having answers deleted". Sadly it happens. As long as the asker and answerer are not disrespectful than their questions or answers shouldn't be deleted.

  5. I sympathize with you as I too have had answers deleted. You can try to appeal by replying to the email they sent you, but my sense is that a lot of it is pretty random. They decide if what you did was a violation, and there is not a lot of recourse.

    You certainly sound like you are on a mission.... just remember that this site is for answering people's specific questions, not just to provide information about stuff, no matter how important it is.

    Good luck!

  6. "You cannot stop me, I am on a mission to adopt a child and on a mission to to it as ethically as I can and on a mission to help others do it as ethically as possible. Adoption WILL NOT EVER stop!!!!!"

    People on missions, generally will stop at nothing to get what they want.

    "to to it as ethically as I can"??? So, at what point would ethics get in the way of what you want?

    There's a push for stringent mental evaluations to be done on all PAP's. Just thought I'd let you know.

  7. It was deleted because there are too many self righteous %&* on here that only like to hear themselves talk (or in the case of being online) only like to read what they and their posse thinks.  Look at Joy for example.  I wonder if it is something that comes natural for her or did she have to practice that behavior.  

    I was able to cut and paste what was deleted from you and I think the info was great.  I wouldn't worry too much what happens here in this forum.  You can almost be certian that if you are PRO (ADOPTION) CHOICE you will not be too popular here.  This is not the place to get positive information when you are seeking to adopt a infant in the US.  Thanks again for the list of financial resources.

  8. Why are people against adoption??  Maybe they did not think the info you gave was correct?

  9. I am curious.  I live in Canada and do not understand  your statement "assistance for adoption".  Do you mean to enable people to adopt, legal fees etc.  Or do you mean being paid every month for an adopted child.  I would really appreciate your extending your question because I would be interested in answering.

  10. I am a natural mother.  I was not coerced or forced to relinquish my child.  But I still help in the fight against the corruptness of agencies (who charge the outrageous fees), and their lies to natural mothers.  We do not want adoption to stop, we just want it done in an ethical manner so ALL parties involved are honored.  Agencies lie to everyone involved.  We want men and women who consider relinquishing for adoption to know all the information, have access to resources to help them raise their child....if they are dead certain on adoption, then fine.  But too many times there are women and men who do it because they are misinformed by the agencies.

    And you are on a mission to adopt, eh?  Sounds like a bit of entitlement to me.  Out to fullfill a void?  Adoption is not about finding a child for a family.  It is about finding a family for a child.

  11. Don't be surprised if this "question" gets deleted, too.  I don't see any legit question here. This is a full fledged rant.

    I don't know maybe yahoo should come up with a service where folks are allowed to rant... call it yahoo raving ranters or something lolol

  12. Don't worry - you're no special than the rest of us - we all get Q's & A's deleted now and then.

    This though - I'd say is a rant.

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