
Why was my answer wrong?

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In a Civics and Morals quiz, a question was:

Why do we need to conserve the environment?

(a) Because we have nothing else to do.

(b) Because we need to keep the earth beautiful.

(c) Because our natural resources are running out.

(d) Because more and more species of animals are becoming extinct.

I chose (d), and was marked wrong. Tell me why, because I was under the idea that many animals are endangered because of loss of habitat.




  1. Well I would have chosen (c) because if we use up all our resources we will all die, animals becoming extinct wont affect our environment.

  2. in my opinion they may have marked it wrong bc when i think about it, if natural resources are running out then animal species would start to become endangered. this is bc ppl dig and destroy the area where these natural resources are which are also where animals live.

  3. because they said conserve

    with (d), you will be talking about conserving ONLY animal resources, but with (c), you'll be talking about all the resources INCLUDING animal resources

    hence, (c) has a wider scope

    you weren't wrong, but they wanted the answer which has a wider scope


  4. You were not wrong

  5. (c) is a better answer. Think of it as more important.

  6. Yes your answer is wrong. The right answer is (c) Because our natural resources are running out and (d) Because more and more species of animals are becoming extinct.

    . But the best answer among those is (c) Because our natural resources are running out. We must use less resources because our resources are running out.  But don't worry.

  7. its both C and D, but its really a matter of opinion

    you are right about D but C is a more pressing issue

  8. well it has the word "conserve" in it... which would lead me to pick answer c.

    answer a is just wrong.

    b... is one of those "i threw this answer in to fill out my multiple choice"... either way beauty isn't a necessity.

    c... well yea survival is important!

    d. and by survival i mean ours... not necessarily some rare japanese dolphin. sad but true.

  9. The earth we live is inherited to us and we have to give it in good condition for the future generation.

    All the given answers are not correct.

  10. (d) is actually correct, however (c) is "more correct", because if we go with (c) that covers (d). See what I'm saying? If our natural resources don't run out real fast, then less and less species of animals will become extinct.

  11. cuz it was not d  

  12. I'm pretty sure this was marked wrong because of the wording of the question.

    If the question was "Why do we need to PRESERVE the environment?" I'm sure that would have been the correct answer.

    The question was "Why do we need to CONSERVE the environment?" This implies that something in the environment is running out.

  13. Both C and D could be right as it's a matter of prioritizing. If you care about animal's then you would see D as being right, but from a Selfish and Self Preservation point of view it would be C.

  14. That question is hard to answer because both c and d are acceptable answers, but c is the better of the two in my opinion. D is a little more wide-spread, and not very specific. C is more specific and is a better answer. I would personally accept both as correct answers, but I'm not your teacher.

  15. Although d is a good reason, c is a better and more important reason because it includes both types of resources: animals and plant species and gas and mineral resources.

    From a biological point of view, animals and plant species are also considered "natural resources" as they are source of many things that we use in our lives (for example, trees are considered a natural resource because we use them to make wooden things).  

  16. your right and anyone who says other wise is dumb

  17. (C) is the best answer because it's inclusive; it means both (b) and (d), and much more.

  18. I would say both C & D, we our losing our species and our mountains, rivers and environment is going away. Global warming.  

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