
Why was my last question removed??

by  |  earlier

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What was so horribly offensive asking for some strange but true tales of railroading?? I am a bit baffled.




  1. it was probally not a  question all posts are suppose to be questions

    if its not a question they sometime wll remove it

  2. Morning Babe....

    the Y!A Beatitudes.....

    ASK and it shall be REMOVED!!!!

  3. Apparently the Yamster thinks people only ask questions to obtain "information" not to connect on a human level and learn about the human experience.  (Someone who didn't have one probably reported you for "chatting".)

  4. Don't know.   I have gotten things removed for 'ranting' or 'telling a story'

    What was the question?

  5. Why was my underwear removed?

  6. They removed that question?  That was dumb!!!

    I don't answer those Q's because I have no humorous RR stories but when I can figure out some of the RR terminology I feel proud of myself and I do enjoy reading them....Y'all are funny!!!  = )

    Sorry about the removal though....that stinks....= (

  7. They did it to me too. I appealed and yahoo answers THEMSELVES said it wasn't a question and that it was derogatory. I also had over 50 answers on that question.

    I was just congratulating someone on their candidacy for Pete's sake!

    That my dear means "You've been trolled!" The best thing to do is to hide your question and answers profile because trolls will now give you indiscriminate low ratings.

  8. Morning Rango... Y! Answers PROBABLY removed it because they consider "stories" and "tales" to be a form of chatting... and therefor inconsistent with Community Guidelines.

    Personally, I wish they'd devote their time to grading answers that are misspelled and poorly written... little answerers getting their rants back covered with red ink.

  9. Some Troll probably reported it because they were bored.Or maybe YA doesn't like humor.Did they give you a reason they removed it?The last one of mine they removed was a rant according to them.Kind of strange they decided to do that now seeing as we've been telling tales for a while now.

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