
Why was no airplane found at the Pentagon on 911?

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I've seen the video where the Pentagon explodes on September 11th, but there is no airplane in the video... and there are no airplane parts found in the Pentagon, save for a few chunks on the front lawn that could have been easily staged... but the titanium jet engines that can't melt from just jet fuel were never found. And the hole in the Pentagon was smaller than the airplane. What's going on? Was it a bomb and the aircraft taken elsewhere perhaps? I don't remember them ever finding the other plane that supposively crashed in the woods either. Just wondering why none of these questions are being answered with logical answers. Sorry, I can't believe that fire can become David Copperfeild and make airplanes disappear!




  1. NO PLANE went into that building.  Sites have said that the "agents" set those little parts that they found.  The whole thing's a lie!

  2. All governments have lied to their people, including ours.

  3. Are you referring to this video?

    It's not a conspiracy theory if you can prove it.

  4. The government controls the media and regulates the information that is given to the public, so therefore we only saw and were told what we were to be let known. The hole in the pentagon was smaller than the plane because only the initial impact would create the hole in a brick building from an aircraft. The aircraft is not constructed as durable as the brick building and thus would be peeled back and pulled apart upon entering through the hole. I took the engines and mounted them to the back of my short bus and quickly picked you up for school that day. Please dionize your water before you have your next bottle, and do a cartwheel at a rate of 15 mph and be the next person who does not expel global warming gasses to our atmosphere. Thank you for your support.

  5. an airplane never made it to the pentagon

  6. There was a plane. Two people I knew were passengers on the plane. They both died.

  7. Remember, every plane had a full tank of jet fuel, enough to make an inferno.

    These planes did disappear from the air; they were not recovered because they were entirely destroyed.  Where else do you think they are, with all their passengers and crew?

  8. For all of you conspiracy theorist what did happen if they didn't have plane crashes orchestrated by terrorist and what was the motive? I have seen planes crashed in war zones and they do disintergrate leaving only bits and pieces. You do find the odd things that survive that are puzzling. So do tell what happened and why? Where were the domolition people and where were the explosions controlled from that supposedly brought down these buildings? Have you ever seen a building being brought down in a controlled explosion.? Munitions controls are everywhere outside of the debris area. Where were they? If somone has an answer I'd like to know but I don't want to hear any BS.

  9. there were no planes, except for the ones that hit the towers, and the one that crashed into the woods only looked like a garbage truck dumped garbage in a huge hole, nothing else though.

    and whatever you do, do not listen to destine

  10. well i believe that the pentagon was our own fault.

    there was No plane anywhere.

    i think that we did something to it,

    like hit it with a missal or something along those lines.

    not on purpose of course, but we didnt want to take the blame.

    so we said it was a terrorist attack,

    when you hear about 9-11 the pentagon is rarely ever brought up.

    i hope i helped=]

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