
Why was oprah moved to tears?

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as seen during obama's speech. she had to be the only one out of all those people, crying. is she like,that much more perceptive to a higher glory than than the average human? or has she just been carrying the burden alone, leading the people onward and suddenly obama gave her release and took the reigns, carrying the torch for her as she finally gave out? kind of like the flag bearer being cut down on the field of battle but not allowing the flag to touch the ground, handing it off dramatically with tears in their eyes....or was she just stoned?




  1. Obama nor Oprah are GOD people get over it!

  2. She had mixed emotions.  A pretend black man (12 1/2% black) was nominated.  He is totally unqualified.  But he is black.  He decided at the age of according to him, 12 or 13 to denounce his mother's race and turn his back on his white heritage.  So even though his father was 25% African and 75% Arab, he became black.

  3. IDK. I fell asleep.

  4. It's probably just that it has been 43 white guys in a row.

    I mean - that's one h**l of a coincidence...

  5. it's just show business

  6. Tears of Oprah during that convention does not have anything to do with the speech of B.O. It's an empty speech. She was just annoyed by the white people who took all the lemon cool-aid drinks, courtesy of B.O. Which happen to be what the crowd is only after for.

  7. Oprah (and other celbs) need to get out of polotics......Obama is one of the clebs I speek of.

  8. I think she ran out of cheeto's.

  9. She may be stupid rich, but she needs attention just like most of these celebrities when you stop talking about them.

  10. I don't know but people who hang on every move and every word Oprah utters needs to get a life. She's one of the biggest racists out there.

  11. She must have been moved by Obama's speech, because she has too much money to have terrible problems.

  12. She is a fool!  Where once she had credibility, the lights of fame have ruined her too!

  13. For ratings.

  14. just ''STONED''

  15. I quit watching her when she said that there other  ways to  our Farther and Jesus Christ

  16. Your last statement there made me think of capture the flag.

    A lot of people cried, not just African Americans. I think people are emotionally invested in his candidacy, more than usual. Especially his earliest supporters. Not only that, but the setting too... it was such a nerve wracking, high stakes, environment to give such a speech. And the world expected the best speech ever. If he'd choked... you probably could have cut the tension before the speech with a knife, among his diehard supporters.

    But the elephant in the living room, the civil rights movement really wasn't that long ago. People mistakenly think it is, but its a huge step to take in just 45 yrs. Massive civil unrest on the basis of race to an African American being nominated by a major political party.

    And really when you think of "post-racial" black american figures... who comes to mind? Bill Cosby, Oprah Winfrey, and now Barack Obama.

  17.   She has lost her mind.

  18. Tears of pain. She had accidentally put on her Skinny Oprah panties and it just got ugly down there.

  19. no, she was not the on;y one moved to tears by his uplifting speech

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