
Why was palin so mean and condescending in her speech ?

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Why was palin so mean and condescending in her speech ?








  2. Agreed, she put down grass roots community helpers, a president is someone who understands and helps and runs the country by knowing everyday american problems, and how to fix them. she put me down and ppl like me who help others by belittling me.

    She lied abt the bridge, her daughter opened her legs before marriage, she tried to use her power to get her ex-brother-in-law fired, im not voting republican any more! enough said.

  3. It just confirmed how petty and simple-minded she is.

    Just like she abused her power as a governor to exact revenge on her sister's ex-husband.

    Just like she abused her power as a mayor to fire two of her staffers who did not support her while she was running for mayor.

    I don't want to see what she'll do with the second highest office in the land.

    She's too petty.

  4. "condescending?"  Get some more words in your dead liberal mind.  The ones you keep using are sounding like a broken record.  

  5. Didn't you know that is what a vp does.

    Got to love that pitbull with lipstick line.

    You just mad McCain was right.

    If she was a man it would have been view as being a positive thing.

    I smell sexisim emanating from your question.

  6. Because reps are FINALLY starting to get sick of all the c**p libs are throwing at them. When you wake the big dog don't be surprised by the reaction. How much do you think they'd take lying down. I guess ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

    What's the matter? Can dish it but can't take it?

  7. Bad speechwriter.

    You can't blame her. She was up till 1AM trying to fix the mess.

  8. Well what else do you expect from a self-admitted "pitbull with lipstick"? We need THAT creature in the White House, right

    LMFAO @ td's!!! I refresh the screen so I can laugh at all those who need a chill pill (;

  9. is politics supposed to be light, happy, and sweet?

    She's a tough woman ready to take on a country not dance in a parade. She was responding to many people who have been ridiculing her all week long. She conducted herself very well.

    Obama has made many ridiculing remarks himself, so let's not even go there.

  10. I guess the truth hurts huh? Bye-bye. See yall in about 16 years.. She just won the election, and hasnt even received the formal nomination yet.

  11. it was a mistake to go nasty this early. They should not have unmasked her this early on.

  12. PALIN WILL TAKE WOMEN'S RIGHTS BACK 40 YEARS! She's anti-abortion, anti birth control and anti s*x ed...And she's a COMPLETE LOSER for being against g*y rights. WE ALL HAVE RIGHTS IN AMERICA, PALIN. Not just all the white people in the republican convention! (I think there were 2 blacks there) laugh...

    So...Yeah... I guess that if I was 'pimping' my KNOCKED UP teenage daughter with her redneck MISERABLE future son-in-law (who doesn't even WANT children) AND if I was 44 years old and couldn't even use birth control with my own husband ...And if I couldn't even spell 'nuclear' (Just like her dumb buddy GW) *she wrote 'new clear' in her speech....AND If I had to talk about ANYTHING but our JACKED UP economy... (I'd mention stuff like selling planes on eBay)... And if I needed to take the spotlight off of the fact that republicans have RUINED everything for the last 8 years that...well...Yeah...I'd be 'mean and condescending' too!

    So ENJOY THIS GAME NOW REPUBLICANS... When her lil investigation HITS THE FAN...Your Cowboy party will be over!!!  

  13. In my opinion she was eloquent, truthful, sincere, delightful and very funny.

    She should get an Emmy for that speech!

  14. Because she, McCain and the republicans realize that Obama is tired of playing the same old politics and will not degrade himself like they are and did when Palin spoke. He wants to get across what he plans to do, instead of dealing with what the McCain campain isn't doing. It just showed the true colors of Palin and McCain.

  15. Because she is a mean condescending person.

  16. Smoke and mirrors is about the extent of what the GOP has.  They are grasping and know that they can't talk about who the spendthrifts in DC really are.

  17. It's because she is pathetic, insecure and cannot intelligently speak about the issues.

  18. She's not a politician , now seriously , what kind of politician would talk about his FAMILY in a speech ? she's clueless .

  19. she wasn't, she was hitting the nail on the head and sorry if the truth hurts, I am getting sick of whining cry baby Democrats that have no real arguement so they cry mean spirit

  20. Quote from McCain: "This election is about personalities not issues." He has got himself a great personalty for running mate - NOT.

    He made his choice.  I will make mine in Nov.

  21. Because they know that they can't challenge democrats on issues so lets throw personal insults

  22. LOL, give me a break!  You're lucky she was as nice as she was considering all the c**p the Dems have been pushing around about her.  

  23. Well, if a presidential candidate had plans to tax the living daylights out of regular, everyday Americans, I wouldn't exactly be nice either!

  24. Mean and condescending?

    Have you ever seen Hillary or Biden blast Obama?

    Are they mean and condescending too?

  25. why has the media been so mean to her family the last week or so!!  i don't blame her! and everything she said was so TRUE

  26. Sure. Cry in your wine you leftist s*****k! Or in you Colt 45...whichever.

  27. She wasn't. It is only perceived that way because she is a woman. Had a man given that exact speech in the exact way this question would not have been asked. We need to allow women to be tough and quit being intimated by those who are. That includes Hillary.  

  28. Perhaps struggling to get her feet off the ground. Nonetheless; she has opened Pandora's Box. She challenged the Obama-Biden team on issues she falls short on and produced lies as facts. The personal attack on Michelle was uncalled for and the irony Obama spoke up for Palin when the media went after her daughter. Well the cloves have come off and the boxing rung. I hope she gets knocked on her a$$.

  29. Democrats always think things are different than they are in real life.

    Palin was not mean or condescending, she just stated the facts. Let's get real for once.....Democrats believe only Democrats, not those who speak the truth or those who know the facts. Obama is a pitiful excuse for a politician of any sort, let alone a presidential candidate.

    If we all want the US to become the weakest, poorest, most pathetic country in the world, vote Obama. If we want strength ,integrity, stamina, intelligence, bravery, experience, know how, power and authority to be represented for our country then vote McCain/Palin.

    Open your eyes democrats......Obama will be the beginning of the end.  

  30. She seemed very down to earth. I am sorry to say that she was more down to earth than some men are in this election. I think as men we should watch out.  

  31. I saw Sarah's performance and was not impressed an inch. She praised Mccain and gave a generic stump speech and attacked the Democrats and pretty much lied about Barack's economic policies. Sarah also seemed a lttle pissed and jealous over our convention and the colums. That is really irrelevant but she had very little of substance to talk about.The only thing i got from Sarah is that she and Mccain are out of touch and are on the wrong side of the issues and I could not be any more elated and confident that Obama and Biden are the right choice. I also believe Palin message may have resonated with the republican base but was ineffective in rallying the independent voters, who's support is critical.

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