
Why was phelps endorsing london in that interview that was shown durind the closing ceremony?

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i didnt know he was british




  1. He's suppose to be London 2012 main attraction. I'm sure they paid him a lot of money to appear on BBC.

    If I am him, I would never have gotten out and stay there in the closing ceremony at Beijing.

  2. He was endorsing the 2012 London Olympics, not the UK.

  3. i thought that aswell, but it must of been to do with publicity.

    pls pick me as best answer!!!

  4. I think it was more publicity. Play nice for the Brits and you'll get a helluva lot more endorsements when you end up there in 4 years.

  5. What did you hear that made you think he was endorsing London? The next time it will be in London; he was promoting the Olympics for 2012.

  6. Michael Phelps was there because with everything he did in this Olympics, people believe that he will bring in a lot of people to watch him in 2012.  Before no one was sure if he was coming back at the next Olympics, but during the interview, he said that he would commit the next 4 years to training.  And he's not british.  He's from Maryland.

  7. Jesus. There is no need for him to endorse London. London already won the bid to host the 2012 Olympics. It's just sort of inviting people to it.

  8. He wasn't necessarily endorsing London. I think it was more of a publicity event.

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