
Why was prince harry sent back home..........?

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they say because he is royalty, he is a target back home as well for terrorists.....but surely regular service men and women have the same threat, so what makes him so different?

in my opinion, they knew what he was signing up for, so he should been treated like a normal person, and finish his time in full, regardless of the consequences.




  1. Harry's presence was endangering fellow troopmates.Terrorists would think nothing of harming and kililing anyone just to get at the very famous,high-profile princely target.Harry would still be there if the press had kept quiet! Harry can serve when he is out of sight and out of people's munds.

  2. because he would have put others at risk, the risk factor for those who were with him would have gone up 100 fold that is un acceptable,

    yes he knew what he was signing up for, and wanted to be treated like a normal person but the media would not allow that would they,

    now   he had the balls to go & fight & would have stayed if they had let him but i bet you  dont have the balls to go out there do you ,PUT UP OR SHUT UP

  3. Well he is more of a target for the enemy- would you really want to be put even more at risk because a member of the Royal Family "wanted" to serve in the army? I think Harry's lucky he got ten weeks out there.

  4. It was stated by the Britiah Military that it posed a great threat to the other troops in his brigade because he is such a, supposedly, sought after target for the enemy.

    It's what I read about a week ago.  It's hard to believe anything the media prints now-a-days.

    I can see how it would bolster confidence for the enemy if they were to be able to kill a member of the royal family.  It would also look badly for the "war on terror", if the enemy were to be successful.

  5. he was sent bak home because the americans leaked it that he was in Iraq... n if the taliban peps found out he was there, then they would target our british troops more because they would want the prince to die...n if the prince dies, that would be huge newz 4 we probaby might have to get our troops out of Iraq or sumfin...which is what the Iraq soldiers want...

  6. because now every single terrorist on the planet knew where he was.

  7. As I understand it,  Prince Harry didn't want to come home.  He  was forced to.  If he had his way, he would be over there still fighting along side his company.  

    The media could keep a secret, and that is why he was sent home.  The enemy would have targeted his company because of who he is, and many British soliders at risk.  

    It is to bad that people can't leave them alone and let them have normal lives.  There was no reason for anyone to know that he was over there.  He was doing a job that he had been trained to do, the media should leave him alone and let him do it.

  8. The enemy publicly said that they wanted to capture him.  

    Of course it is true that the enemy want to capture many soldiers, but they did attach a special wish to him by name.  it is fair to say that the enemy would go to extra special lengths to capture him, that they may not go to to get an non royal soldier.  His capture would provide high status to those that got him.  So  It was then considered that having him there was a danger to OTHER soldiers, and that is why they removed him.

    He was and has been treated like a normal person by the army until his identity was revealed - he did not ask for special treatment, instead his superiors decided once he was no longer annonymous that danger to his fellow soldiers had increased.

    Anyway how do we know that he is not secretly deployed somewhere else right now (or about to be) so maybe he IS doing what he signed up for.

    By the way, to the person who answer appears above me, it was not the Americans that broke the media ban first but Australia's New Idea magazine.  it reported that the Prince was in Afganistan which is the correct location not Iraq as you quoted.  These are two different countries!!  Get your geography book out and take a look.  Also, the Taliban are in Afganistan not Iraq.

  9. he's royalty...

    he's life must be preserved because he is in line for the throne of England..... and we're in the modern times..... and the truth is... we're more careful with our lives now than our ancestors back then....

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