
Why was princess diana buried in a lead lined coffin?

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Why was princess diana buried in a lead lined coffin?




  1. It's heavy.  Heavy objects give the appearance of being more costly.  It's water proof and realively free from being breached.

    Tradition.   American coffins are not so well guarded.   If on American TV you ever see a real casket being exumed, they cut immediately upon the casket being raised as it fills with water.    The gaskets that supposedly seal these things for life, are thinner than paper.

  2. X ray proof

  3. They were making sure she stayed put once and for all

  4. so  bugs and stuff cant get in her coffin

  5. i don't know. when you find out let me know coz i wondered that,

    R.I.P diana

  6. Better than leaving her for the crows.

  7. To make double sure that she was burried properly, and her coffin wouldnt rise and let her escape and feed of the living....

    Well its the only plausable reason..

  8. I'm sorry, but, if she was, how the h**l would we know why?  And, does it really matter?  Her life ended tragically, much, much too soon.

  9. Yes it was 20 stone and took a lot of guards to carry it, God Bless her she is in heaven now.

  10. They wanted it to appear that the coffin had a body in it so the lead made it heavier than normal.

  11. the lead coffin, preserves the body for about 10yrs, and the wooden coffins, the body decomposes and and and2yrs later the body retuns to dust.i was told this by a undertaker,

        with the lead coffins they draw all the air out with a pump, there are holes on the outside of the coffin and this pump is inserted and all air is brought out. to preserve the body. which is what i want when i die.

  12. Hmmm!! dunno.

  13. I can't speculate why Diana was buried in a lead-lined coffin once she reached England, but for air travel, it is compulsory for the deceased to be embalmed and encased in a hermetically-sealed polypropylene bag--witness the body bags of soldiers killed in the war with Iraq.  Usually, the deceased is then placed in an inner metal container which is then sealed and, in turn, placed in an outer casket, generally of wood.  Because the cost of transporting a dead body is determined by kilo, most families cremate the remains and hold a memorial service or else bury the body where the deceased died.

    The following article gives international regulations for the shipping via air of the dead.  Because of recent international anti-terrorist legislation, lead-lined coffins are now prohibited:

    A French web site also notes that repatriated bodies must be shipped in coffins equipped with zinc-coated lining for shipment abroad, according to regulations.  Companies imposing somatic care, which normally means embalming, include the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada.

  14. To stop the wicked witch of Kensington from rising from her grave and persecuting our beloved Royal Family like she did while she was alive!

  15. if she was cremated why would they need a lead lined coffin?there was no body left to decompose.

  16. Isn't there something about transporting of a body across international lines? It has to be in a lead lined coffin for health reasons

  17. Wealthy people and royalty are traditionally buried in lead lined coffins to keep out moisture and other things you don't want to know about.

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