
Why was queen elizabeth famous?

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i need to know why she was famous and what she did to become famous

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  1. Queen the I

    She was the first female political leader of England.

    During her reign the English overthrew the Spanish in naval warfare.

    She led England into the state of being a world power.

    She also chose maidenhood over marriage, saying that she would serve England instead.

    She encouraged Jamestown and colonization throughout the world

    Also, because she sponsored Shakespear and other artists she made london the new Paris

    etc, etc,

  2. Well the queen she wouldn't marry to produce a heir to the throne and osme thing also like fought a great war.

    but if u mean Elizabeth Tailor she was just a great actor and or singer so just pick one : )

  3. she was a w***e.

    and a cheater

    and now i have to go

    answer my question if you can


  4. she was queen of England?

  5. Queen Elizabeth I (long dead) or Queen Elizabeth II (Prince Charles' mom, very much alive)?

  6. was?  She still is?  Unless you are talking about Elizabeth I?  Both are famous because they were born royal.

  7. Because she lead England into the 'Golden Age'

    We avoided the spanish armarder 'sorry about spelling'.

    We became very rich and she was generally a good person.


  8. Because she was/ is "Queen Elizabeth"?

  9. Eliazbeth was the virgin Queen, actually the second female leader of the British Empire, after her half-sister, Bloody Mary. She defeated the "invincible" Spanish Armada, taking the tittle away from the Spanish to her own navy. Instead of marrying and producing and heir like most other royals, she married her country and ruled objectively. She was not likely to gain the crown as her sister was supposed to live and a long life and she was accused of plotting to overthrow her with the help of the Protestants, even though she had no knowledge of the plot. Mary had converted England back to Catholicism and burned any who were Protestant. Only Elizabeth's royal status kept her from meeting the same fate. She was allowed to keep her faith as long as she had a Catholic priest with her and read the Catholic bible instead of the Protestant one. Not to mention she was one of the children of Henry the 8th.

  10. She could tie a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue...

    The knights voted for her after she personally showed them her oral skills.

  11. Lots and lots of reasons. She was the first queen to rule in her own right (as in without a husband), which was made even harder by the fact she was declared a b*****d from very young, and her mother was executed for treason, incest and adultery. She ended the religious turmoil created by her father, brother and sister, and united the country, putting an end to executing people based on religious beliefs. She turned the country around from a relatively small and extremely broke one to a rich and powerful commonwealth, creating colonies in India, Australia, America and many other places throughout the world, and prospering through that and clever organisation of finances. She was known to be extremely beautiful and captivating, and inspired great loyalty in her subjects, unlike the previous Tudors, who's reign was filled with traitors and fear. Even in death, she strengthened the country, by leaving it to her cousin James of Scotland, which effectively united Scottland and England for the first time since William the Conqueror. In short, she did so so much, it's hard to pin down exactly what it was that made her so special.

  12. Elizabeth I was famous for various reasons. firstly she was know as the 'virgin' Queen because she refused to name an heir and upset the delicate political balance between catholic and protestant factions. (she had no children, so the presumed heir was her catholic cousin, Mary Queen of Scots). Elizabeth was also a great support of the arts, namely theatre, which flourished under her reign, with play writes such as Shakespeare and Marlow. Elizabeth also defeated the Spanish Armada (making England the supreme European Naval power) and managed to keep the protestants and catholics from killing each other (for the most part).

    technically she was the second female ruler of England, after her half-sister, Mary Tudor (a.k.a Bloody Mary). She was the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn (who was beheaded by Herny for whitchcraft).

  13. For wearing wigs,screaming and doing Cate Blanchett impersonations.

  14. She was the only royal that didn't make a porno, or o.d. on crack and become a street w***e.

  15. Elizabeth I right. She was a promoter of the arts and had England's golden age with Shakespeare. She was also the virgin queen because of Protestants and Catholics hating each other then. Also I think she stopped a couple wars with Spain, but not sure about that one.

  16. Elizabeth I was famous because she was the first succesful female ruler England had.  She kept her throne for 44years.  She is famous for creating the established church (church of England) and settling the religious question after decades of uncertainty.  She is famous for her diplomacy, and the way she kept her ministers on the hop by constantly changing her mind.  She is famous for having many male admirers, but never marrying.  She is famous for her learning, and her fluency in many languages, and in making speeches.  she is famous for the defeat of the Spanish Armada during her reign, and for the rousing speech she made to the troops at tilbury before the battle.  She is famous for the fantastic clothes she wore, fabulous jeweled dresses etc.  She is famous for her temper, and for the way she would shout at people who annoyed her, or even throw things at them.  She is famous as being queen at the time that William Shakespeare wrote many of his plays.  She is famous for encouraging trade and exploration, and it was during her reign that Francis Drake circumnavigated the globe, and Sir Walter Raleigh founded the first english colony in america (Roanoke i North Carolina).  she is famous for keepin gher cousin Mary,Queen of Scots, in prison for 20 years before finally having her executed.

  17. WHY IS u mean? shes not dead yet. or do u mean elizabeth I?

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