OK, i was grooming my horse getting ready for a lesson, and i hear this banging coming from a few stalls away from me (i think she was running around her stall, and running into the walls, but i didn't see that part), so i look over my horse and see Ebony (one of my favorite horses) laying on her back on the ground, breathing really hard. One of the instructors races over to her and was yelling for someone to get scissors to cut the lead rope that she was tied to, because she was being choked from it, it was too short. They finally cut it and two seconds later Ebony is up and acting like the whole thing never happened.
All i know is that:
1. She was choking.
2. Her "Boyfriend" was in the pasture, over 100 feet away.
3. The lead rope was so short that it choked her when she was on the ground.
It scared everyone, we thought she was going to choke to death.
Then the next day, i rode her for my lesson and she was all figity and almost bucked when i tried mounting.
Wondering y