
Why was snowboarding so painful?

by  |  earlier

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Well I went on my snowboarding trip and spent 6 hours sleeping and crying in a lodge at Killington because I couldn't snowboard. When I went up for my morning lesson, I couldn't stand up in my bindings for more than a minute and I'd need to sit down again. I ended up going inside. When my friend convinced me to give it a shot later, I couldn't even walk up the bunny slope, that's how painful those boots were. When I went inside to take them off, my feet were numb and it wasn't because of the cold, my feet were quite warm. After talking with said friend, she said that the idiot who issued me my equipment probably gave me the wrong size boots? She said that she normally wears snowboard boots a size or 2 bigger than her normal shoe size. I was wearing snow boots the same size as my normal shoe size. Mind you, this was my very first trip, so I have no idea about these things. So getting back to my point, could that have been why walking in my boots and snowboarding was extremely painful?




  1. well i think u should of tried harder snowboarding is a very tiring sport your boots were proly to tight and walking so much is hard u have to be in really good shape to snowboard with out getting sore after

  2. Your friend was right about the boot size. My boot size is a size above my normal shoe size. I can defiantly relate to the standing part. I have been snowboarding regularly for 2 seasons now (about to start my third) and I still have to sit down every 2 or 3 minutes on a trail. Best thing to do, if you are serious about snowboarding is go to a reputable ski and snowboard shop and get fitted properly for boots, ask lots of question and even take notes (don't fear that your question is silly, it's better to ask than live with a mistake later), and work out your lower calves and thighs. Those muscles are the most used in snowboarding. Doing some stretches and exercising those muscles will help you so much in learning and you will have alot more fun than you did. Good luck and have some fun.

  3. well walking in snowboard boots is not the most ergonomical of comfort to begin with...but someone positively sized you wrong. I do in fact were the same size boot as the same size SNEAKER i the 2 sizes up thig is not correct in MHO...LOL..if you had pain from just had a footwear malfunction..and id call and complain so the next time you went you could poss. get a lesson again and someone would know you were coming and maybe you could get the attention you deserve as a paying customer when renting equipment.where di this take place?..what a drag. Suragloaf USA Maine would not have had you go thru that pain.

  4. There are 3 factors that are causing your problems (in no particular order):

    1)  Poor fitting equipment

    2)  Lack of knowledge among the killington staff that couldn't help you

    3)  Fitness:  you need to be able to have agility and balance when you are snowboarding

    the hardest part when learning to snowboard is actually getting to and off the lift!  once you're on the slopes, you will love it!

  5. A size or two bigger?  Two sizes bigger?  Doesn't she get any heel lift?  Okay, first of all, try loosening the laces first.  If that doesn't work, get a larger size.  I wouldn't go over a size larger.  Your boots should be a snug fit, and not too tight (duh) or too big.  Too tight it bad for obvious reasons, too loose doesn't give you as much response, and makes you work harder.  Let's say you wear a size 8.5 SHOE.  I wouldn't go over a 9.5 BOOT.  Walking was probably painful because your boots were too tight.  Walking in snowboarding boots shouldn't be hard.  At least your could stand up for a minute.  Try moving next time.  It makes it easier to stay up.

    Just stick with it.  Sitting in the lodge won't make you any better.  Remember, anybody who said that they didn't fall the first time they went snowboarding isn't telling the truth.  It takes most people a whole season to get basic slow speed riding down.  Snowboarding has a hard learning curve.  Just stick with it.

    Good luck.

  6. snowboarding is always painful the 1st time...but if you do weight training or aerobics...the pain will be less...the the idiot that gave you the boots is not an suppose to try it on and see how it fits.  you probably aren't fit enough.  and you need balance to stand...don't cry!! crying is for quiters!! i nearly killed myself the 1st time snowboarding(almost got pneumonia) but i'm still riding!!!!

  7. How much do you weigh? A heavier person will need more effective edge.

    If that's not a factor, another factor may be a lack of wax on the board. If it doesn't slide eagerly it won't be fun, contrary to popular belief.

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