
Why was that kid tased at the Florida Kerry event?

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Why was that kid tased at the Florida Kerry event?




  1. I think he was being silly.

  2. he wasn't following the instructions of the police that told him to leave.

  3. The reason he was tased was FIRST because he wasnt giving Kerry a question and talking alot about something else that backs up his question but they security told him to end it and he didnt listen and wouldnt cooperate. He kept pulling and shoving and also yelling about which gave the authorities the right to tase him to shut him up and to take him away due to he was interupting and not cooperating. Also was talking about the freemason which they didnt want him to talk and expose to everyone.

  4. Maybe the cops ran out of bullets.

  5. Because he was using his  right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH

    Ironic isnt it??

  6. woah, no idea.. must have hurt though:(

  7. He was a loudmouth punk., looking to get on national media outlets. A nobody trying to be a somebody. thaats all.

  8. 'Don't taze me, bro!'


    Come on!

    Standing up and shouting protesting like that, at a presdential candidate? Then when told to calm down, he resists, then when he escorted to leave, he puts up a fight!

    I've seen cops tase somebody because they won't hang up their phone for a traffic violation!

    Besides, I've been tased... Yah. It sucks, but your just fine after. At the most, your a little rattled. He's lucky the cops didn't think he was a real threat and put 2 in his chest.

  10. Because he was bout to expose the freemason and dey tried 2 shut him up just like dey do 2 everybody that tries to stand in their way.

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