
Why was the House of Reps given the power to impeach presidents?

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Why was the House of Reps given the power to impeach presidents?




  1. The founding fathers knew that too much power in one person's hands can corrupt that person.

    So, they needed some method for removing that person from office, and the best way was to have the House press charges, and have the Senate act as judge & jury.

    It's much more elaborate and difficult than a "no confidence" vote, but it's also not impossible.


    Unfortunately, we've evolved from a society of laws to a society of lawyers.  And one symptom of this legalistic society is that Clinton managed to convince the people that "high crimes and misdemeanors" now means specific, arrestable offenses.

    That wasn't the intent.

  2.   Because the House of Representatives contains "reps" from each of the 50 US states, and those represent the citizens(we the people), voters(us).  We voted for that loser.  

  3. Because the three branches of government are considered to be co-equal.  If the head of the executive branch, the president, could not be removed from office no matter what they did then the Executive branch would effectively be a superior position over the other two branches.

  4. to protect bush and corrupt traitors like him .. from the will of the people

    that's pretty obvious

    pelosi is the only traitor in washington a bigger traitor than bush/cheny

    she WILL NOT IMPEACH.. she gives bush a blank check to not only continue but expand his criminal enterprise.. while holding the office his father used the cia to rig and steal for him..

    yes.. this makes pelosi a traitor of the most extreme and worst kind

    want to know who's s******g america?? go down the role call for the impeachment..

    anyone who said nay is a traitor .. in bed with bush.. on the same corrupt payroll..

    normally they stay hidden .. planted deep on either side of the isle..

    but when they did the role call .. you could see clearly who worked for the NWO and who worked for the american population.

    traitors.. vote them all out.. then start the investigations...

    the senate represents the states..

    the house represents the people

    ultimatly it's the people who own this country.. it's the people who have the final say.. but the founders never ever envisioned all those people being so corrupt.. that they would act like a sheild for the corrupt president.. instead of his check and balance.

    bush can do what he wants.. they stole the election.. they installed him as puppet dictator.. and the congress gives him a blank check.. and keeps him in office.

  5. The legislative branch has the power to impeach presidents as part of the US system of checks and balances.  

    It was probably given to the House of Representatives because the Senate is headed by the Vice Pres (he's the President of the Senate).  

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