
Why was the United Nations building built in America?

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Why was the United Nations building built in America?




  1. Europe was in the hole. America was the primary backer/supporter. The U.S. pays the most.

  2. We had the space, we had the architects, we wanted to have hundreds of international people in New York when they could eat at fine N.Y. restaurants and rent pent house apartments.  The major reason was for money. The United Nations building is basically as success but it is not with out its problems.  Many foreigners take advantage of parking anywhere they want because the police cannot ticket them. Some of them build up big bills and then leave for home the next day.  New York still feels that it was a good decision.

  3. Because like everything else, if the US didn't build it and pay for it no one else would

  4. The UN is a construct of the US

  5. Because Europe looked like it got run over by a truck at the time. The UN was formed around the time of WW2 and we and Canada were the only guys that pretty much didn't get their country blown to h**l.

    So I mean its either the US or Canada. Not really a contest right there haha

  6. The United Nations was an American idea.The first sessions were held in San Francisco in 1945.The Rockefeller family donated some land in New York City and so the UN moved there.The first secretary general was Alger Hiss who was later proved to be a spy for the Soviet Union.There is a sort of alternate UN headquarters in Geneva Switzerland.On rare occasions the General Assembly meets there.

  7. The UN was established immediately after WWII.  At the time, Europe was in disarray and still quite divided, where-as the US played an instrumental role in ending the war, while at the same time remaining completely in-tact structurally and politically.

    In short, it was safe and stable at a time when there wasn't a lot of that to go around.

  8. The United Nations was originally formed in San Francisco, but a decision was made to build the headquarters on the East Coast.

    Why the U.S.?  Several reasons.  Much of Europe was devastated.  Also who could be members was pretty much undecided.  The U.S. basically led the push to organize the U.N.  So it was a logical choice.

    Is it a logical choice now?  Lots of folks would just as soon the U.N. move anyplace else.  I guess the building could be turned into low cost housing.

    Whatever.  Anyway it is a nice-looking building.

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