
Why was the czar of russia Nicholas II and his family murdered?

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Why was the czar of russia Nicholas II and his family murdered?




  1. The Communists were afraid after they took power that they would be overthrown and the Czar or his son would be put back on the throne. Before he was overthrown, during WWI, Nicholas' cousin, King George of England, knowing there was going  to be a revolution in Russia,  wanted the Czar and his family to come to England to live. But the British people, the Parliament, said "no" because the Czar had been a brutal tyrant toward his subjects (but a nice guy to the other Royals  in England.) Of course for a long time a woman called Anna Anderson claimed to be the Princess Anastasia. It was proven by DNA that she was not (or did it?)

  2. monarchy

  3. to show that the communist revolution was the best thing for the no way that the monarchy could be restored as it had been in France.............however the powers that be became more corrupt than the monarchy had been..........

  4. So the counterrevolutionary royalist forces had no way to restore the monarchy.

  5. go to and type in the romanov . i think they didn't want any body in the family to reclaim the throne  

  6. Here is a CNN article that commemorated their slaying:

    Abdication and Death

    Discontent at home grew, the army tired of war, the food situation deteriorated, the government tottered, and in Mar., 1917, Nicholas was forced to abdicate (see Russian Revolution). He was held first in the Czarskoye Selo palace, then near Tobolsk. The advance, in July, 1918, of counterrevolutionary forces caused the soviet of Yekaterinburg to fear that Nicholas might be liberated; after a secret meeting a death sentence was passed on the czar and his family, who were shot along with their remaining servants in a cellar at Yekaterinburg on the night of July 16. Their bodies were buried or burned in a nearby forest.

  7. The Bolsheviks(revolutionaries) wanted to take over the government.They wanted the royals out of the way,and with no way to come back.

  8. Communists wanted to rule.

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