
Why was the lady spitting on iLove Money?

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I just saw a episode where the lady is spitting in their faces.

Why is she doing this?




  1. To cleanse them or something. She was talking too fast so I couldnt understand her.

  2. i think it like keeps away the devil.. i was watching my big fat greek wedding after i love money and they were spitting on tula and they said it was keep the devil away and give good luck  

  3. It was some type of ritualistic thing where she was annointing them and warding off evil spirits.  Actually, in the greek culture, people spit to ward off evil spirits, so it's not terribly uncommon.

    Of course, I have never had anyone come up and spit at me in the face as she did!

  4. to cleanse them... but i would be highly upset if some random person spit in my face... id start throwin punches

  5. she was doing some ritual like cleaning them out and all there negativity's.

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