
Why was the mural by Diego Rivera censored and ultimately destroyed?

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What political affiliation did Rivera share with Picasso, Dali, Dashiel Hammett, Ernest Hemmingway, etc.




  1. Are you referring to "Man, Controller of the Universe" that was in Rockerfeller Center?

  2. doesn't really answer your question but diego rivera was a sweet pimp who always cheated on his wife frita but its understandable cause she had a monsterous unibrow plus she had a pole go through he vag in a bus crash...haha

  3. He was what people call a communist.

  4. You must be in my art class... I'm looking up all these questions too.

    I only know the first part.. the mural was destroyed because Rivera wanted to make an art piece that pieced together communism and capitalism.. this appalled the art directors at Rockefellar.. and they demanded he change it.. but he only offered to add Lincoln's image to the other side to balance it out. So they destroyed the piece during the night..

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