
Why was the name changed from MI5 to MI6?

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Why was the name changed from MI5 to MI6?




  1. Sure everything's going up these days,lol.

  2. they both still exist as separate depts

  3. It wasn't ,they are two different departments. MI5 is homeland security (IE, counter-espionage within the UK) MI6 operate abroad.

  4. It isn't changed - they are two departments.

  5. no was en it because it is an upgrade

  6. MI5 - The Security Service: intelligence agency charged with internal security and domestic counterintelligence activities of the United Kingdom.

    MI6 - Secret Intelligence Service: government agency responsible for the collection, analysis, and appropriate dissemination of foreign intelligence. MI6 is also charged with the conduct of espionage activities outside British territory.

  7. there are several MI departments

    The Branch, Department, Section, and Sub-section numbers varied through the life of the department, however examples include:

    MI1 Codes and cyphers. Later merged with other code-breaking agencies and became Government Code and Cypher School (now known as Government Communications Headquarters).

    MI2 Information on Middle and Far East, Scandinavia, USA, USSR, Central and South America.

    MI3 Information on Europe and the Baltic Provinces (plus USSR, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia after Summer 1941).

    MI4 Geographical section - maps (transferred to Military Operations in April 1940).

    MI5 Liaison with Security Service, following the transfer of Security Service to the Home Office in the 1920s.

    MI6 Liaison with Secret Intelligence Service.

    MI7 Press and propaganda (transferred to Ministry of Information in May 1940).

    MI8 Signals interception and communications security.

    MI9 Escaped British PoW debriefing, escape and evasion (plus enemy PoW interrogation until December 1941).

    MI10 Technical Intelligence world-wide.

    MI11 Military Security.

    MI12 Liaison with censorship organisations in Ministry of Information, military censorship.

    MI13 Not used (except in fiction).

    MI14 Germany and German-occupied territories (aerial photography until Spring 1943).

    MI15 Aerial photography (in Spring 1943 aerial photography moved to the Air Ministry and MI15 became air defence intelligence).

    MI16 Scientific Intelligence (formed 1945).

    MI17 Secretariat for Director of Military Intelligence (from April 1943).

    MI18 Not Used.

    MI19 Enemy PoW interrogation (formed from MI9 in December 1941).

    MI (JIS) Axis planning staff.

    MI L (R) Russian Liaison.

    MI L Attaches.

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