
Why was there a different type of price distribiton ceremony and shampion celebration in Monaco GP?

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also I feel sorry for Raikonnen, it was force India who spoilt Raikonnen`s day and not the other way round.




  1. dude - how can you say force india spoilt kimis chances.  i am a big kimi fan but the bottom line is this - when kimi came out of the pits after the second stop, he was 3 seconds behind adrian.  before the safety car he was 9-10 seconds behind.  when the safety car went out - he was on (literally) the force india car - ramming him from behind.  i agree it wasnt kimis fault.  it definitely wasnt adrian jumping on the brakes early as well as you could see.

    on the ceremony, this is tradition and given the princegives out the trophies, champagne is sprayed some distance away.. so that it doesnt touch the royalty.

  2. The Prince presents the trophies. I don't think they thought of building a proper podium area when they decided to host the race in Monaco. SO the drivers have to walk up to a stage to receive their trophy. And they have to be careful where they spray the champagne, in case they drench those from the royal family.

  3. It's called tradition...they've always done it that way.

  4. They can't afford to buy a proper poduim so they make the drivers walk up some stairs to pick up their trophies.

  5. The prizes are awarded in the royal box by the prince and princess, and you're not allowed to spray champagne near them. And FYI, Raikkonen ran in to the back of Sutil. I love Raikkonen, but he was clearly in the wrong.

  6. ur a complete idiot how was it force india's fault they were smashing today q***r boy raikonnen fuks up sutils race

  7. Monaco is tiny at the best of times so the track turns into the parc ferme after the race and the steps become the 'podium'. Its been that way since jesus was a boy, good stuff too!

  8. why feel sorry for raikkonen.. he's the guy who spoiled force India's hopes of scoring a point..and spoiled himself too... im also raikkonen's fan but truth is truth

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