
Why was there an increase of women writing literature for children in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?

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What were the reasons for the increase?




  1. Increase in literacy and publishing possibilities for women. Most of these women probably had children or were nannies of children and had an audience to cater for. These stories probably came as an extension of devising stories for the children in their care..

  2. At the tail end of the 18th century, and predominantly in the 19th century, women were finally allowed to contribute written works to the general public and did so at huge rates.  Children's stories were part of a very popular genre for women writers because it was a way to share their knowledge/creativity with the younger generations and prove their worth without stepping on too many toes.  Rather than writing about 'men's topics' such as politics and religion-though some notable women did, such as Judith Sargent Murray- they asserted their prowess of the pen by less offensive materials like children's literature.

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