
Why was there no hue and cry over Al Sharpton indicting the three white Duke U. students?

by Guest56215  |  earlier

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He has done this twice and before when he back this black female and she was lieing about being raped by white cops. Al hates whites but is never called a black racist. Why?




  1. Where have you been?  There was a huge cry out over the unfair treatment of those Duke players.  The Durham County district attorney even lost his job and faced criminal charges himself, as he well should have.  While those boys did live a nightmare for awhile, the system eventually righted itself and worked as it should, which is to find that those who did not commit a crime are innocent.  The case is closed.  Now, if those boys had been found guilty of a crime they did not commit, then I can see still talking about it.  

    I'm not a fan of the man, but I believe the reason why Al Sharpton isn't up in arms is that he doesn't believe rich, white males like those accused in the Duke case really need nor want his support.

  2. Al sharpton is a dog, If I was black i'd be embarrased to have him as a representative of my race.  The dude doens't even sound like he knows what he's talking about, he just vomits BS outta his mouth non-stop, he and reggie need to be exiled, you want change, and a better tomorrow with good race relations, get those choads outta the way. they are no better than david duke, that may sound harsh, but it's not that far off.

  3. Because there is this fear of upsetting the black population. Too much political correctness. After all - we (the caucasians) supposedly owe the blacks for what happened to them over 100 years ago at the hands of rich plantation owners who were a small percentage of the total population.

  4. He is called a racist by many people, including me.  I am still waiting for his apology to the Duke kids.

  5. Whatever.  It's not a crime for you to express an opinion and it's not for him either.  He doesn't hate all whites.  Just the racist ones.  Not all whites hate him either.

  6. Because we live in a nation of apologist politicians.   He is a racist and and he should be called to task.

  7. Because its not politically correct to go after a black biggot like sharpton. heaven for bid the man be held accountable for what he says, don imus comes to mind he says one racially and even that was questionable but he was crucified for saying nappy headed hoes and refusing to appologize yet sharpton might as well just startchanting kill whitey and get away with it at this point.

  8. He is, all the time.  But because he is who he is, he gets a pass on it.

  9. Him and Jesse are both getting a pass for doing the same thing they accuse whites of doing. I compare them to the skin heads and the Klan when it comes to how racist they really are.

    The media wont touch it cause they would be targeted by this group so, might was well forget it, wont change.

  10. Ooh, I don't think that would be very politically correct.  Black people are oppressed and deserve every chance we can give them.

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