
Why was water Jake and Jill fetched up a hill ?

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Why was water Jake and Jill fetched up a hill ?




  1. Hmmm  I wonder now too. Water usually collects at the bottom of hills. (Yeah, I know it's a nursery rhyme but you got me thinking!)

  2. It was the only well available in the small village where Jack and Jill lived. Originally there was one built in lower ground. But the water was always contaminated by floodwater. So a second well was built uphill and it was the one used by Jack and Jill to fetch a pail of water. Actually it was only Jill who was asked by her mom to get water from the well to bath their dog. Jack only went along, hoping that he might fetch something else from Jill once they were alone. Eventually his plan failed. When he tried to kiss Jill, Jill side-swept him with the pail which sent him rolling down the hill. Jill slipped and came tumbling after, messing up her clothes. Jill's mom grounded her for a week. Jack was not allowed anymore to go near her. And the dog never got a bath. <End of Story>

  3. Get it right, it is JACK you moron~! Jack and Jill went up the hill both with a buck and a quarter, and Jill came down with $2.50!! Badam!

  4. Lewis Spence (Myth and Ritual; 1947) suggested that the water in the rhyme may have had folkloric significance, since nobody climbs hills to fetch water unless it has some ritual implication. For instance, dew water fetched on May Day is traditionally seen as part of a fertility myth; for a girl and boy to fetch water together for such purposes hints at sexual possibilities.

    Hills of course are phallic symbols and used in such May Day rituals.

    Probably Lewis Spence was onto something.

  5. JACK!!!

    1 - jill ryhmes with hill

    2 - streams and lakes can be in hills too ya know!!

    3 - its a stupid rhyme it has no meaning!

    4 -  i cant believe the serious answers on here

    5 - next time add more details to your question

    6 - again, water can be up hills! yes itruns down but in that case it has to be up in the first place and maybe it ran down the other side

    7 - could of been a well

  6. either 1)  JACK and jill need to get get some exercise  or 2)  it hill rhymed with jill

  7. (it's Jack)

    Uhh, they weren't of "legal age" if you get what I mean. ;-P

  8. Because way back then there wasn't indoor plumbing and the only source of water was a community well.

  9. Because it was too early for vodka.

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