
Why wasn't Edwin Ramos turned over to ICE once SFPD knew he was an active member of the MS-13 Gang ?

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The SFPD records, obtained by Judicial Watch pursuant to the provisions of the California Public Records Act, identify Ramos, "based on . . . numerous documented contacts" as being an active member of the MS-13 street gang. The records, which document that he is not a U.S. citizen, also show Ramos's previous March 30, 2008, arrest related to weapons and gang charges. San Francisco prosecutors declined to charge Ramos. He was released on April 2, 2008.

Because the Bologna family slayings (SFPD Incident Report No.: 080652433) is still considered an open investigation, Ramos's records related to that crime were not produced to Judicial Watch. Likewise, Ramos's juvenile criminal record remains sealed, although reports in the San Francisco Chronicle revealed that Ramos is an illegal alien who was found to have committed two (2) felonies at the age of 17 - a gang-related assault and an attempted robbery of a pregnant woman.

Despite his violent criminal behavior Ramos, a Salvadoran native, was not turned over by San Francisco juvenile justice officials to federal immigration authorities. San Francisco law prohibits local officials from cooperating with federal officials in deporting illegal aliens.




  1. Because San Francisco believes that they don't have to follow federal laws and could care less about US citizens...they only cater to the illegal aliens.

  2. ha their last name was bologna!  isnt bologna that S****y type of ham?

  3. Because in the People's Republic of San Francisco he was givin Sanctuary.

    Good Luck

  4. Because latinos would take offense to that.

    Think about it. Why would the country want a violent criminal back? As US citizens its our job to die at the hands of these people in the name of diversity and multi culturalism.

  5. San Fran is home of the pinkos and land of the f**s. They don't respect nothing in America much less law and order.

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