
Why wasn't Michael Moore in Iraq documenting the turning over of security in Anbar Province to the Iraqis?

by Guest63401  |  earlier

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Did you hear the US forces turned over the security of Anbar Province to the Iraqis this Monday.




  1. ...and how do you know where Mike was?  Hmmm?

  2. because he is a coward

  3. yeah thats just for media. US troops aint leaving Anbar. It's just another stunt to con Americans into thinking Republicans get the job done.

    And the reason Michael Moore doesn't report on that is because thats what the news did. If he made a movie on that it wouldn't be interesting because you and i already knew about it.

    What is interesting is to find out an inhaler cost $0.25 in Cuba where the same one cost $150 in the US. Also interesting is to find out the US gov. is denying many 9/11 first responders medical support after they risked there lives to help Americans.

    But you see none of that was on the news so that is why you wont see Michael Moore making a documentary on some fake media propaganda thats already convincing Americans that lack logic.

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