
Why wasn't he a 100% g*y person? He fell for a woman?

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I really couldn't figure out how to word this question. Anyway, my beautiful, handsome friend, (g*y guy) has been g*y all his life and never doubted that was his lifestyle. Anyhow, he and I have pal-ed around for eons. We do everything together. Even finish each other's sentences. That's how close we are. Tonight he told me that he is totally in love....with a female!! I was SHOCKED/SPEECHLESS to say the least. I think I blinked a million times. He has never given any indication that he liked the opposite s*x IN THAT WAY. And to top off my intense SHOCK and SURPRISE, he said it was with ME!! I nearly fainted.

I'm IN a quandary to say the least. What happened here?! Am I wrong in assuming that once your g*y there is no turning back? Can you be totally be g*y one day and not the next? Does that mean he's bi-sexual?! I don't know what to do. I told him...well, actually I couldn't talk. He told me to not say anything but to let it digest. And he'd call me later. I am actually dumbfounded. I also don't know how I feel right now. I don't know what I did to make him change his lifestyle, I am just me...Would someone please enlighten me? Thank you so much..

love ya





  1. I don't think this is really in anyway, grow up.

  2. If I guy did that for me, I would think that it was pretty sweet. I'd be flattered that he had fallen for me and loved me so much he was willing to change his views on life. Yes that would make him bi-sexual, you should try talking to him. Remember he is still your friend no matter what and if he cares for you that much and you care for him (perhaps in a different way) you should consider possibly dating him.

    Good luck,


  3. I believe some people can fall in love with someone regardless of gender or anything else for that matter..just falling in love with the persons..essence.

    Let me try to put this into words..(I just woke up, my minds still not moving to fast)

    Say there is a pretty woman, and really ugly fat man, (sorry)

    They become friends and just friends because the woman thinks it just couldn't work because of the mans looks, it wouldn't be fair to him.ect.ect, the woman falls in love with the mans personality, sense of humor, intelligence blah blah blah, just everything about him that comes from the inside. So much so that that she sees he is truly a beautiful person, everything she loves about him just overpowers something as small and silly as the physical appearance.

    and..yes, i really need some coffee.

    Anyway, i wish you luck.

  4. he is definitely a bisexual. or homosexuality has just been a habit for him as he didnt find a female partner.

    Strange people!

  5. NOTICE:

    If you read her "About Me" section, you will see that she's devoutly religious.  

    I have a hunch she is making all of this up in order to confound us.  

    She fabricated this story.  Read the last part where it says "I don't know what I did to make him change his lifestyle."

    That reveals what she is doing right there.  When she says "lifestyle" she is insinuating that it is a choice, which is something common religious people point out.  You will hear them say "lifestyle" a lot.  

    Her about me section also says that she is married and has kids.  And....a g*y guy likes her and she doesn't know what to do???  HUH??  

    Contradictions.  Honey, next time you want to be a troll, do a BETTER JOB.



    You can say whatever you want, but we all know you're making things up.  Your "story" makes no sense and it's completely typical of a religious person.  

    You're married and have kids...and you have a friend who is g*y and loves you and wants you...and this is the most unbelievable thing....You don't know what to do???  Wow.  It's pretty hard to choose between a friend and your family. make a lot of sense, troll.

  6. Well -he musn't have been g*y after all!

    Confused perhaps? Or maybe it is just

    that true love has won through.

  7. People change through time..maybe he is bisexual..

  8. Its possible he's misinterpreting his deep feelings for you as love??

    Besides, if he's in love with you... does he want an emotional/physical relationship with you? Its possible to love someone and not want them sexually. :) That, IMO, is what makes a best friend. Who knows, he might be bisexual.. for only you. :) It happens to the occasional "straight" person, why not the occasional g*y?

    Anyway, focus on -you- right now. How do you feel about him? Are you interested in him at all? I'm sure he's freaked out enough, so you don't have to worry for him too. ;)

    Good luck. :)

  9. Don't be scared!! It just means he is bisexual! And if you would be maybe interested in him then try it out! Or that he is g*y but loves one girl. There is that possibility too. But i you like him as a friend or more then don't be frightened. Just get off of Yahoo! Answers and call him. He will understand either way!

  10. it goes to show u that ppl are not born g*y. they choose to be so did ur g*y friend asnwer ur Q?

  11. I say that it is God who changed his heart and that his spirit has overcome his worldly being

    You should defiantly let God take the wheel on this and allow him to control this relationship while you just enjoy the growth

    My Pastor always says that although being g*y is against

    Enjoy and keep me updated on what you decide my new yahoo friend


    Where does it say that she is married ??? ~ I knew she had children but never did I see she was married

    She could be widowed, divorced, or just had a baby while not married to the man

    For you to judge a stranger by calling her a liar is simply silly

    Did you become a genie or something that makes you know her enough to call her a liar??

    PS Even if she was making it up to make an interesting question, does it really matter?  Personally, the entire point of Yahoo answer is to see others opinions on different issues

  12. It's 3:06 AM... I spend way too much time on Yahoo! Answers.

    Anyway, I want to give you a very well thought out answer in about 8 hours. I've already a mind how to conduct it, but I'm too tired to put the thoughts in order.

    Please, if you will, just wait; and you'll have an answer from both the heart and head. =)

    [EDIT]: Okay, I'm awake now.

    Mayhap you should overlook what his preferences in both sexual and romantic partners have been and know that he simply loves you. I will own... love is truly unlimited, and may encompass we all of us, despite our previous choices in life.

    The truth is, though, I feel as if you've thought of him as both a 'safe' and close friend. You never had to worry about such things as his romantic interests toward you, as you don't with whatever straight female friends you have. In the end, all you can do is look at him and ask yourself... do you love him the same way he does you back? From there, it's all up to you. Just make the right decision, eh?

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