
Why wasn't the bible better edited?

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If someone had fixed all the loose ends, we wouldn't have to read about all these darn contradictions.




  1. There are only alleged and supposed contradictions in the Bible.

    That becomes clear when they are thoroughly examined.

  2. The loose ends are fixed by the tradition after Christ. To bad not many people beleive in TRADITION any more. As for me I am a Tridentine Catholic and will never only take the Bible alone but I will also delve into tradition as well. And don't read the Thomas Jefferson bible. It denies the divinity of Christ. Jefferson was a brainless Godless mason. Most loose ends are also not even loose ends.

  3. Contradictions?

    Name three.

    Google Bible Contradictions? I am afraid you don't know to whom you speak. I have collected over 1200 alleged Biblical contradictions of which only thirty one have any real question, and only five of which I have found no authentic answer. The great majority of them are plain silly.

  4. Look up the Thomas Jefferson Bible.  It's the Bible "Christians" should really use.

  5. I agree that there are contradictions in the bible.  This is a very good question.....I think that there are a lot missing from the bible and that after awhile, there are a lot of errors in translating it, but it was due to man, not God.  I think there's more "out there" that we have to search for.

  6. There is no contradictions there are only Bible difficulties and they are explainable. You are talking about the ancient documents

  7. <yawn>

    Can you say, "Next time I'll try harder." ?

    One more time: As you learn Biblical Greek and Hebrew and the various historical and cultural contexts, the alleged "contradictions" are easily addressed.  That is why those with a vague familiarity with the Bible are certain that there are hundreds of "problems" but those who have studied the texts in detail (such as my former faculty colleagues and myself) can answer them virtually in our sleep. (The same old tired "lists" have been circulating for years.) The fact that one can still find those tired lists by Googling "Bible contradictions" is no more the last word on the subject than is Googling "atheist contradictions" or "illogical atheists" a fair summation of the flaws in how atheists or most any other group regards some topic.

    Moreover, I used to do a campus seminar once a year inviting people to bring me their "hardest question" meant to expose a "Bible contradiction".  But I found that even though the audience always had a lot of fun with it, answering each question never really in itself changed anyone's position about God or the Bible. People make decisions about their individual belief systems for reasons that go far beyond such lists of questions. (And no amount of out-debating someone rarely changes their minds about anything -- although sometimes it made a difference for some of the spectators.)

    My personal favorite was "the Bible actually believes that the unicorn was a real animal that actually existed at that time."  Despite the simple answer, there would always be one questioner who brought that one to the colloquium and got laughed at by the audience once put in their place. Yes, a simple Google search could have saved them the embarrassment -- but people are interested in the facts when it comes to topics such as these. And no amount of answers will change the minds of most people.

    That said, if you REALLY wanted an answer to your REAL underlying question -- as well as the answers to the alleged "contradictions" -- you wouldn't be posing it on Yahoo Answers. You would use Google to go through the alleged examples of Bible contradictions one by one and find them resolved.  As someone who actually went through that process long ago (although prior to a tool like Google), I can say that you can FIND the answers if you really want to. Most people don't actually WANT to learn the answers. I did -- so it ended up leading me to a faith in the Bible after being a strong critic.

  8. Well that is their opinion.. the Bible was written over centuries, the Israelites myths, legends, prose, poetry, history and songs were all written at different times by different people in the old testament.

    The New Testament was in Aramaic and Greek mostly, then into Latin and the other languages of the world.  The translations evolved as history of where the people were came better to light. More modern language helps people understand it better. Nothing has been 'changed' per se just written in a clearer language.

    You can put 10 people in a room, have an incident take place and when you ask the 10 people to tell what happened you will get 10 different answers everyone sees things differently because their minds don't only see but interpret what they see.  But the basics in the Bible haven't changed, the rules haven't changed, who cares how many times the **** crowed? The object of the lesson is Peter denied Christ and he went out and wept bitterly sorry just the opposite of Judas who felt he could never be forgiven and hung himself in despair.

    The Bible teaches valuable lessons the main one is people rarely change they get greedy and selfish but Jesus loves us despite our sins.

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