
Why wasnt New Orleans a utopia after 60 years of Democrat governance?

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What are the differences in emergency management now that Louisiana has a REAL (and Republican) Governor?




  1. You just answered your own question!

  2. New Orleans is a cesspool of corruption. Our U.S. congress is not far removed under Nasty Pilosi's tutelage.  

  3. why does it take an election for the government to work right?

    i refuse to forget the atrocious response to katrina. when government built levees fail its on them.

    yes people could have done more during katrina.....thats common sense. but seriously........

  4. Politicians who stay in office because they are supported by the poor & uneducated want MORE poor, uneducated people every year and not less.That was what happened in New Orleans for the past 31 years (not the past 60).

    The pack of criminals who have infested City Hall for the past 3 decades did everything they could to drive out every job and everyone with an education. The surprise wasn't that New Orleans was having problems, the surprise was that New Orleans remained a great city despite the sabotage.

    The pre-Katrina political establishment was already under federal investigation before Katrina.  Scores of them are already in jail or indicted, and more are on the way (search "Marc Morial investigation", "Congressman William Jefferson", and "New Orleans school board investigation" for just a few of the main suspects).

    Most of the pre-Katrina establishment's power base has not returned to the city.  Nagin was re-eleced 52%/48% by a set of strange circumstances that won't be repeated. The electoral landcape has changed wildly since Katrina, and that changes everything.

    Louisiana elected a Republican as Governor outright in the 2007 primary (no runoff needed) and New Orleans may get a Republican Mayor in 2010.

    Wish us well!

  5. They are still rebuilding below sea level.  Rep or Dem, it doesn't seem to make much difference.  Re-electing Nagin does tilt the chlorine in the New Orleans gene pool away from the residents.

  6. Because the problem is the Republican irresponsibility. Bush thanking the Director of Fema for a job well done. sick

  7. and after all the devastation of Katrina and the incompetence of Ray Nagin why did they re-elect him?

  8. Because of the ineffective federal government being run by Republicans.

  9. Any part of the country predominately run by democrats  will suffer from high unemployment high taxes slow growth just look   ex like NJ NY ,Michigan, Louisiana....Libs have never figure out you can't tax your way to wealth if you could all socialist countries would be very rich. Most of Europe has 10% unemployment and they think that is normal

  10. because the republicans don't want to do the right thing,as a nation it is our duty to support a welfare state in a tropical climate,that just happens to be below sea matter what the cost to the rest of us that toil our lives away in the more temperate parts of the nation,it is most important that people that want to live in a really cool town be subsidized by everyone do your part ,pay your taxes so that we can build bigger levees and better houses for these ,the most important folks of our nation.

  11. because the democrats only like to spend money on themselves--not the levys. and they always want to blame someone else for their problems so now that the gov't stepped in and made the people get out of the way of the storm the storm is not so bad and so now it will be Bush who messed up their holiday weekend.....

    Rita--they did not listen but whined later. THis time they had no choice and what do we hear on the news--whining about it again.  Hey--least you alive to whine.

  12. Same reason the south is still so F****D up after decades of republican control.............................

    Guess plain stupidity doesn't take sides.  

  13. Because New Orleans is a hole.  And it should have been abandoned up to the French Quarter.  Instead we sank more wasted money into it, the Red Cross almost went bankrupt, turned the superdome into Harlem with gang killings, rape, and more.  

    The difference is that the governor and mayor of New Orleans did not heed Bush's advise the last time when he told them to declare it a national disaster area and evacuate everyone.  And then the governor and mayor got pissed when Bush decided to do what they were too dumb to do and declare it a national disaster area 2 days before hand.  

    Sad thing is if the mayor still didnt do anything this time, the people of New Orleans would have voted for him again because they care about one thing, and that is race.  

    EDIT - There should not have been government built levies down there in the first place.  Half of the f*cking city is under sea level.  How dumb do you have to be to live there???  I hope this hurricane and the next one destroy New Orleans and we leave it like that!  We need to quit wasting money on that city that has no reason to exist!  the reason I say this is BECAUSE ITS BELOW SEA LEVEL!  ITS BUILT IN SILT!  

    Oh and the South isnt f*cked up, first of all.  Second, the south isnt lead by republicans, it has people from both parties...jackass

    Jero - how did you make it through life being so ignorant?  Just curious.  How is it the republicans fault?  The mayor wouldnt declare it a national disaster area when Bush told him to 4 days in advance.  And he still wouldnt when Bush declared it a disaster area 2 days before.  And then the pathetic liberals in New Orleans voted him back into office.

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