
Why we are spending so much capital on this time taking game(cricket), not on others like developed countries

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Why we are spending so much capital on this time taking game(cricket), not on others like developed countries




  1. Because now a days, it is all about money. So in cricket there is lot of money from tv and games. So every body is after cricket in india. It is all business.

  2. Different sports are part of the culture of different countries. Here in the US we like basketball, baseball and the game we call football. In many other countries soccer is the most popular sport.

  3. bcoz we are the most intelligent and discerning persons in the world

  4. Large Population & unemployment give so much time to time consuming game- Cricket . 1 Day & 5 Day test match-End in a Draw...Other developed countries do not have such time for such game...India has to learn otherwise this kind of 44 days "Cricketitis" would stop or invert the progress...

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