
Why we can not reach the sky?

by Guest55781  |  earlier

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i often wonder that if human can reach the moon or space then why we can't touch the sky what is it?




  1. It is all your perspective.  If you consider the sky to be the upper limit of your sight, you will never reach it, that's like trying to get to the end of the rainbow or to touch the horizon.  In truth, you walk around in the sky all the time, with the only part of you excluded being the part that is grounded.

  2. there is no 'sky'... there is only the air we breathe and the rest of the atomosphere, in layers, until that ends... and then, there begins 'space'.....and that goes on infinitely.....

  3. We do touch the sky.  Haven't you ever reached out and felt the wind wisping through your fingers?  What do you think that is--corned beef?  We're just not equipped to hold onto the sky, just like we can't really hold a lake, but we can touch it.

  4. The sky is not a definite place.

  5. what isn't it?

  6. what the sky is? what do u think is it a solid matter that v can touch it. or a gasous place of about thousands of sq. km.s area. if we can go through it why do u think v can't touch it.

    if u can touch the gaseous matter u can touch it.

    don't think narrowly.............

  7. You are touching the sky right now.  It's called air.

  8. Because the sky does not exist in the way that you can touch it.

    The blue stuff you see when you look up is just an optical phenomenon. What there actually is above you is the atmosphere (gases: mostly nitrogen and oxygen), which is thicker near the ground and gets gradually tinner until there remains nothing and then there is void. In this void there float the planets and suns and galaxies and everything else.

    Some of these you can see on the night sky, but tough they seem to lie on a continuous surface that give the impression of a tangible sky, they are just scattered around out there floating into nothingness, held together by some forces that we know and most that we don't.

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