
Why we can see MORALITY in Animals also many times? Hippopoymus fight crocodile and save the life of Deer son?

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yesterday i see discovery channel

i see a crocodile was going to eat a deer son,than a hippopotmus fight with crocodile and save the life of deer son and take him on ground and give him heat through his mouth and finally his life was saved

why we see such cases of morality in animals for each other of different species also?

does they are great souls?

give your answer in points like





5 god bless you all




  1. that was very rude of the hippo to steal the crocs meal. thats not very good manners.

  2. Yes,

    1.  I think we are taught that animals are lessor because we eat them.

    2.  Animal Planet has a show called "Animal Miracles"  Animals have been saving humans for a long time.

    3.  Seeing eye dogs, dolphins that dismantle bombs, and rescued humans from drowning, a dog  that runs in front of a tractor to save a little boy, and on and on.

    We need to give animals more respect instead of hunting for sport and abusing them.  They love us and need our protection.

    I wish you would have included a website where I could read that story.

  3. It is human arrogance to assume superiority over animals.  I have yet to find anyone that can name a single way we as a species have benefited the world by our presence.  

    Whereas we destroy entire species wherever we go and destroy forests to benefit us at the cost of nature, animals do not and have never done these things.  They exist and play their roles as they did before us and assuming we are not the cause of the destruction of the world, they will after us as well.

    Perhaps we are the beasts after all...

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