
Why we cannot call Obama by his real name "Hussein"

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What is wrong with it? i don't see any problem. is it because people don't want to think about the fact that he might be a muslim or still worst a puppet of the conspirators from the middle east? think about it.

I am just sick of hiding things, i want to know all the truths about him.

is he being paid by the extremists? or was sent by them? i am afraid that he will declare himself a muslim soon after he gets in the white house. And he refused to debate the other contender, why, why, why.

i am disappointed with him. i am tired of lies. i am want to know the truth, what about you?




  1. For people he say "he was not raised a Muslim" look at what school he went to in Indonesia...a muslim religious fundamentalist school.

  2. Everyone knows his middle name is Hussein, it is just a name. He is not a Muslim, much of his life he was raised by his Non-Muslim Caucasian grandparents. His Muslim father never really raised him and his Muslim stepfather wasn't very religious. And you seem to imply that if he was a Muslim, he would have to be involved with terrorism also. Many Muslims live their lives as peaceably and as normally as any other American. I am not his biggest fan, I think he is a little too liberal, but at least I don't make accusations without getting my facts straight.

  3. Isn't that his middle name?

  4. Shucks, I thought his name was Barry.

  5. What do you mean his "real" name?  No one has ever said that "Hussein" wasn't part of his "real" name.  But it's his middle name, not the one he generally goes by, just as Bush's middle name is "Walker," but he goes by "George."

    Of course you know all this, and this isn't really the issue anyway, as is evident from the balance of your question.  You who insist on calling him "Barack Hussein Obama," instead of just "Barack Obama," are trying to get people to buy into the demonstrably false assertion that he is "really" a Muslim, when there is no evidence whatsoever to support this, and much to contradict it.

    But what if he were a Muslim?  That would not disqualify him for the presidency, any more than John Kennedy's Catholicism disqualifed him.  Do you think that isn't the same thing?  You, and many other people, are probably too young to remember that virtually everything that people are saying about Obama being a Muslim are the same things people said, forty-eight years ago, about Kennedy being a Catholic.

    I, too, am tired of lies.  I am tired of the lies that people like you are telling to try and muddy the waters of an already too-contentious campaign.  Stop it, just stop it now.

  6. You forgot to mention that he does terrible things to small animals. Every Election Day, it's the same mud flinging c**p.

  7. hmm

  8. he's already laying down the law, just wait if this guy wins.

  9. Wah Thah Fook.

    Just Cos Hes Vaguely Foreign Looking Doesnt Mean Hes A Terrorist!

    Just My Thoughts On Your Thoughts =]  

  10. They think we are stupid. That if they don't tell us, we won't figure it out for ourselves. The whole country knows by now his middle nameis Hussein. its all so absurd!

  11. What is really sad here is that you probably have been lied to most of your life - by more than politicians so you don't trust anyone.  Finally, when a person of integrity does come along and offers something good, you can't even recognize it.  

    I am not disappointed with Barack Hussein Obama - he has been courageously honest from the beginning, and I am not expecting any radical change of face after he is elected.  What you see is what you will get - imo.

  12. because everyone can see right trough that.  

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