
Why we don't appreciate what is very dear to us and after we lose it we regret?

by  |  earlier

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I mean not me,i mean others:(




  1. It's similar to why we only want what we don't have. We take what we have for granted.

  2. By nature we are captivated by self. We come from the womb we cry until we get covered and fed. This self grows until about 5 or 6 years old when we decide maybe there is some one in need of  consideration, so we make a choice to transfer thought to them over self. Is the beginning of selflessness. If we are fortunate and all the favorable factors are in place we carry this and develop it throughout life. Thus we become a selfless person. We all know the other side of this coin.

    There is hope though it comes from our creator and it is His spirit within all normal minds. This is a mystery monitor, a Thought Adjuster which offers a spirit content to out thoughts which we are free to choose over our own, that is if we are not to far down the road to ego city.

    The point is self and is why we don't appreciate what we have until it is gone. Selfless people don't have this problem.

  3. Man's mind most of the time works on relativity basis.

    We appreciate life when we see deaths.

    We appreciate light when we see darkness.

    We appreciate food when we see hunger and starvation.

    We appreciate the air around us when we experience suffocation.

    We appreciate water when we are thirsty.

    We appreciate health when we are diseased.

    And i appreciate you for asking the question:)

  4. Do you mean why YOU don't?

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