
Why we feel like sinking when aircrafts start loosing height?

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Why we feel like sinking when aircrafts start loosing height?




  1. the explanation is simple..


  2. when the plane looses height it causes weightless feeling like you are falling (sinking) its because you are.

  3. Based on your grammar, I think you are asking one of two things.  Either why do you feel like you are falling when the aircraft descends, or why do you feel pushed back in your seat (or sinking into your seat) when the airplane descends.

    Since you could expirience either one of these sensations when the airplane descends (based on other factors) I will answer them both.

    If you feel like you are falling (almost like on a roller coaster), then it is because you are.  This is a feeling of a reduced number of g forces acting on your body (One g being the normal "force" from gravity).  The term "zero g" is used to define the feeling of free fall.  Like while astronauts are orbiting the earth in space, they feel "zero g" because they are literally falling around the earth.  Most commercial flights will generally descend at about 500 feet per minute.  This means that as the airplane changes it's flight path to begin it's descent, you will, for a moment, feel slightly less than 1 g.  A normal feeling will return shortly there-after becuase our bodies are really only "tuned in" to detect changes in speed or direction, also known as acceleration.

    You also may feel like you are being pushed into or sinking into your seat.  This is because as airplanes begin a descent, they pick up speed and begin to accelerate.  Much like a car going downhill.  The inertia of your body will initially cause it to resist the change in motion until the seat of the plane literally pushes you forward and forces the speed of your body to match that of the airplane.  (Physics will credit Newtons first law for this: An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion at the same speed and the same direction unless acted upon by an outside force).

    I hope one of those was able to answer your question.

  4. What else are you supposed to feel when you are indeed sinking? Sink is one of the terms used for aircraft descent, i.e. losing height.

    The physical cause is a change in the g-force. A downward acceleration would cause the effective g-force to decrease and cause a sense of weightlessness.

  5. Gravity isn't just a good idea, it's a law.

  6. There is a flexible membrane just below the solar plexus which supports the viscera and the stomach. When we start to descend, our body and body parts start moving down. This membrane, however, momentarily holds our stomach in its original position before inertia catches up and all things are moving together once again. This holding back and releasing of the membrane, and consequently the stomach, is what causes the sinking feeling.

  7. Actually you would feel "floaty" not sinking.

    It is the same feeling when the elevator descends.  It is inertia.

    Good Luck...

  8. You feel like you are sinking because you are.  The aircraft is descending, like an elevator, and so it produces the same sensation that you feel in an elevator going down.  Simple.

  9. No,actually center of gravity is drifted when the plane looses height.AIR is the only media that is for all the cause .if the plane cruises at some 45000 feet you wont find any changes in your body,since c.g remains unchanged , that won't happen while in the case of climbing and descending,changing frequently .


  10. one word:  inertia.

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