
Why we keep red wines opened?

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Why we keep red wines opened?




  1. You don't keep red wines opened, unless your talking about a bottle you just opened at the dinner table. You can keep that one opened until your dishes are done, but I would suggest you recork if saving for tomorrow night.  I would not refridgerate unless you will be keeping for 4 to 5 days.

  2. Eh you dont... it will oxidize and sour if kept open too long... You do swirl your wine when you pour it into a glass to let it "breathe" abit before you drink... but you dont do that to your whole bottle..

  3. You only keep them open if you want vinegar with a fancy label.

    Often times, red wines are poured into a decanter so it will breathe. Meaning, to allow some oxidation to occur. However, too much oxidation causes the wine to turn, so never leave the top off the decanter for a great length of time.

  4. i dont! why do you?

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