
Why we need computers as a part of education?

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  1. Computers are used as a tool throughout the educational system...(through college) and on the job.  Corporations, governments, universities all require computer knowledge.  Some universities even now require a student to come to school with a laptop, and knowledge of software applications (MS word, excell, powerpoint).  In order to be successful you need to learn how to use computers and how to apply them in the field you choose to major and work in.  (college professor/ retired IBM corporate excecutive manager)  

  2. We are in the age of technology, there are very few jobs where you do not interact with a computer in some way or another. It would be like not teaching people how to use money, or checks.

    It is just necessary.  

  3. We dont need computers to be part of education, however it is wise to use them since most occupations now require some computer literacy.  When you use a computer as a teaching aide it makes it more efficent sine you can evualate who knows the matterials and who doesnt and help those who require it instead of spending time with those who dont.

  4. Well, learning about computers comes in hand in the future. In example last year we learned about power point and excel, which be of use in high school and college. =)

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