
Why we need to stow table, straighten the sit and let window open upon flight landing?

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Why we need to stow table, straighten the sit and let window open upon flight landing?




  1. During both take-off and landing all the cabin lights are dimmed, and you are requested to fold your table, straighten the seat, and open the window shades. If something were to go terribly wrong during either of these phases, having window shades open would allow rescuers to see into the cabin easily, and the dimmed lights reduce glare and make visibility easier.

    The seats are designed to absorb a lot of the force during an impact. With a reclined position, this is compromised somewhat, and means your head is going to travel further causing serious neck injuries.

    You need to fold up your tray table because if you need to use the brace position, it gives you room to do so, and if there was an impact your head is not going to hit the table and knock you unconscious.

    All these rules are to give you the greatest chance of survival if something were to go wrong.

  2. Because if the plane crashes, people won't have to struggle to get past tables left open, or seat backs smashed against their knees.  Opening the window shades increases visibility for passengers to see what's going on outside, and would also aid emergency workers being able to see what's going on inside.

  3. In the unlikely event of a rough landing, objects on the tray table would fly around the plane and possible hurt someone. Plus, the seats are designed to offer the best protection against the impact of a rough landing if they are upright and you're sitting up properly.

    I've never be told that I had to open the window shade durring landing.

  4. Well your seat belt only crossess your lap while it keeps you in your seat it doesnt support the upper body at all so if the plane should stop more quickly than intended.. your head is going to go lurching forward. Because you are strapped to the seat it will then swing down toward your lap crashing into the table. You would obviously be unable to exit the plane if unconcious and if the impact was severe enough it could result in brain injury or death.  

    So far as small items whether your reading glasses, cup or whatever else.. if they are not restrained they could go flying around the cabin inflicting injury on you or others.. no one wants to loose an eye because of a flying pen or other implement.

    Bags etc are also stowed under seats for the same reason. The worst they can do under the seats is go whizzing along the floor and whack you on the ankle, its better to get a whack on the ankle than a whack on the head.

    Sitting up straight in the seat generally gives you better support but (and I am guessing here) it would probably help to keep the body staight and reduce possibility of dislocations and muscle tears because if your arms are not by your side, or you were leaning toward the window sudden deceleration would cause the body to lurch forward possibly twisting and bending limbs in directions they were never meant to go in or stretching and tearing muscles.

    So far as the bit about putting the window blind up/closing windows... firstly  having blinds open would help rescuers to see inside the plane and find trapped people ect more quickly.. secondly it may be to prevent injury. If you whack your head on a level surface like the window the blow is more evenly distributed than if you hit your head with the same force on a narrow object because the narrow object confines the force to a smaller area causing much more damage. If you hit your head on the edge of the blind (particularly in the wrong spot) you may end up with a much worse head injury than if it was only against the flat window.  

    When I did a high level first aid course the ambo's were saying that in car crashes where seat belts have been worn... the biggest killer is where people have had their window half open and whacked their head on the edge of the window- the golden rule when driving is all the way up or all the way down..... and that may be another reason for having the blinds open.

    Hope that helps.

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