
Why we r living when v no that v r going to die after sm time ? what for ..? just for sm Rs, land or relations

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Why we r living when v no that v r going to die after sm time ? what for ..? just for sm Rs, land or relations




  1. cuz v r men 2 B ROTFLOAO

  2. For getting apropriate answer of this question first of all u must know about your soul. Soul is energy. It cannot be destroyed. It's last aim is to aquire all nessecery knowledge & become free i.e. to get 'moksha'. Soul can get this knowledge only when it is in physical state. So this soul uses our bodies as cloths. Like  we wear cloths & when they become old we go for a new one. Soul never dies. When it is using your body it has some aim of learning some principle like love, trust, charity, etc. This soul ruls our body. Soul changes innumerous bodies to acquire the complete knowledge. this introduces  Reincarnation. After getting this complete knowledge Soul becomes free. It gets 'Moksha'.

    This is a spiritual view of life.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  3. He who dies with the most toys wins.

  4. BROTHER, Do not lose heart

    You know that THIS LIFE is not the END, but it is a link in the ETERNAL chain of your relationship with your LOVED ones.

    This link made me to answer your question

  5. why do we eat when we know we r going to get hungry again

    why shower when we know we r going to get dirty again

    why go out when we know wer have to come back in

    why sleep when we know we have to wake up

    why read when we know we will eventually forget

    why,why,why.ask a question just for asking

    i could goon...but i need to move on

  6. One lives for self . To reach enlightenment .

  7. We are just puppets of god. He made this universe, this earth, ant then ourselves. If we would know the reason why we are here we will read the mind of god ant that will be the greatest triumph for mankind!! Some say that the aim of our life is to reach the almighty!! That being a human is the only way to reach god , to find freedom from this circle of birth and death. But how can we believe this!! The truth is my my friend that we actually dont know the reason of our existence and as I said when we would know it will be our greatest achievement for we will know the mind of god!!

  8. We are living- thats a fact- and we are going to die someday- thats a fact. Nobody can deny this. Wouldn't it be better to make the most of what we have? Because who knows what death could lead to?

    The whole point of life is to live life as our Creator has ordained for us. Search for guidance my friend and you will find it.

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