
Why we raise glasses for occasios or persons,.?

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from where we get the habite of raising glasses for occasions or persons ,and why we stick to it, can any one give answer.




  1. the cue word for that is   SOCIALIZE.......people do that to socialize with other people...just take elite people for example....They raise their glasses even for people they do not know....its just for socializing's sake...

  2. Good question.  I have no idea.  Perhaps something to do with poison?  (Checking the contents in the light?)  Although I imagine it pre-dates glass drinking vessels.  Maybe just simply to indicate your intention so everyone can synchronise?  "Look, everyone, I'm having a drink... now."

  3. Have no idea....have never drunk alcohol anyway, so don't care. You could probably look it up somewhere in wikipedia or google, if you are that curious.

  4. what a nice way to celebrate,honor someone you know, or when something joyus,nice or good happens.

  5. This comes from an old tradition from the 17th century, based on a custom of flavouring drinks with spiced toast. People would 'raise their glasses for the toast' in which people would raise their glasses and the host would dip the spiced toast into the glasses of the guests.

  6. Our eyes see the wine, nose smells, mouth taste, and touching glasses,is for our ears. Hope this helps.

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